firedance's blog


lol this music is 100 real btw |D makes it worse

Missing//Mature warning

It was raining the day she left.

Her hoof prints in the fresh mud had quickly been washed away with in mere minute’s leaving no sign of where the doe had been or where she was going.

It could be said that she had simply searched for shelter from the cold rain, or that the young doe had hidden herself away to die in some hole deep within the forest.

It was uncertain though. The only one who would know the truth was Night Shade herself.

Instinct had made her driven to hide away. It was true that she had picked a place to nest in advance, but that spot proved unsatisfactory after a time.

Too many knew about it and by instinct, Night wished to be alone and secretive.

Reason however told her she was stupid to have left. She was in poor condition, far too poor to birth a fawn on her own.

She knew she needed help, but the need to hide had over powered her since of reason and perhaps there was more to it than that, just a day before she had a discussion with her adoptive mother Emmy.

A cloud had lingered over them the whole time they spoke and Night knew why. She was tired, sick and weak. Death lurked in the corner of her eyes at all times and loomed over her like a shadow.

Death was a possibility that was becoming all too real to the doe and she didn’t want those who cared about her to see her die.She was too proud

They could find out later, if her remains were stumbled upon one day, or they could go on living with the fact that she vanished and cling to the hope that she would return one day.

Nature has a way of being cruel. Night had all the help she needed to live, but nature would not have it that way.

She was a weak link in the chain and to Mother Nature, deserved the fate she had been dealt.

Ponderings of a tired heart || ~Night Shade~

It was dawn in the forest. The sky was a pinkish orange, littered with small wispy clouds, that were so typical of the early morning.

It was a peaceful scene. Birds chirped in the trees, and the crickets sang their last few songs, many of the forest’s deer were starting to wake from there slumber to go about their daily routine, all except one.

A small black doe had lain awake all the night before. As the sun slowly made its way into the sky, it illuminated her face and made it obvious she had spent her night in tears.

Tears were a common sight on her cold but beautiful face. Night Shade lay flat on her side in the dewy grass, her swollen belly rose up and down gently with each breath she took.

Her ears flicked back and fourth taking in every little sound in the forest as she tried to rest her tired body. The doe was approaching her fifth month of pregnancy and she was beginning to have difficulties.

She was not new to this. She had birthed one fawn before. He was born perfectly healthy and despite the normal pains of birth she had made it through his as easy as one could hope for considering the circumstances.

His name was Sariel. He grew to be a handsome young stag. He grew a bit too fast for her, but she was very proud of him and for awhile it seemed he would be the only fawn she would ever have.

Night had two problems when it came to bearing a fawn.
One she was uncharacteristically small for her breed, a major flaw in her genetics and two the father of both fawns was a demon.

Night's small size would have made bearing a normal fawn difficult, but a demon's fawn was harder on her. They proved more demanding.

During her first pregnancy she was driven to eat things unnatural to her diet to sustain the fawn that grew within her.

She took up hunting small game such as rabbits and squirrels and even the occasional frog. These things were beneficial to the fawn but not her.

this has to be said

Ok I am keeping this short and to the point. This is not to cause drama (this will be deleted if that happens)

I’m just drawing people’s attention to it.

Pelt spells there are two ways to get them
1. Sharing spell data
2. From other deer.

Over the last month. Every single time I have went ooc to help people get pelts almost every deer we have tried to get pelts form has got up and ran, started fighting, or poofed.

I’m tired of it.

I know this may be in some deer’s character or what have you but please keep in mind not everyone knows this.

Is it really so bad to wait a little bit to let people get pelts ?

at the very least if you do not want to help bow and say no, DON’T start attacking or run away.

i'm sorry i had to make this blog. I do not want to make anyone mad (i hate drama)

but please this is just a thing to keep in mind

also *quote goes to trigger. She said it better than me <33*

I urge those who dislike being used in this manner to please consider why they're being used, and if you cannot stand the noise, simply turn down your volume. If you get accidentally spelled, is it really so hard to sneeze it off?

On the flip side, for those who are part of spell-spamming parties, please be considerate of the sleeping deer! No one likes to be trampled or laid on top of, so please try to be aware of their space, and move away slightly to cast the spell if you don't want to risk hitting the sleeping deer.

This is a problem that really doesn't need to become anything more than it is! We are a cooperative forest, let's keep it that way!

well darn one year

i have been here one year and missed it by 3 hours D8. I was going to do something..oh well
*throws Confetti *

odosketch blog thing maybe..i guess.. wut

i didn't know if i could put it in a picture blog or not

random skull deer

live stream offline

place holder

Because I have had Night Shade as a character for almost a year now. I need to tell her story. (past) or at least some of it// so there is no confusion about anything in the future. A few things need to be elaborated on I think ^^ . Until now I didn’t have any muse to write it down. I have tried a few times but deleted it. Maybe this one will turn out

a small ref/

New Night ref, since she is not blue anymore ^^, really simple but eh posted on the blog part due to large size..sorry for spamming 8C

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