firedance's blog

Help please!!!

Can someone please send me the spell saver thing, and also explain to me how to use it..i have Vista, and I’m sick of losing my set


Lol made you look XDDD….. no seriously is anyone else’s mixpod songs skipping really bad..or is it just mine?

Cant connect…
Anyone else have this problem?

This stays, (thank you for changing my mind) <3

Due to some events over the past few days I feel like this needs to be said. Please do not call any names, If you know what I am talking about. This has to do more than with just the past few days. It is an observation I have made since I have been on this website. So here goes.

What makes
The answerer differs from person to person. But here is my honest opinion on art in general.
When you draw something it’s not about how good it is, there is no such thing as bad art. Art is about doing something that makes you happy. What makes a picture considered art, is how much thought you put in it, and how hard you worked.
Is it discouraging when you draw something and post it, and it gets 1 or no comments, yes…but that is not the point!! Comments are just words. Yes they are nice but at the end of the day what matters is how YOU feel about your art. If you don’t like it no big deal work harder you are only going to IMPROVE.
It took me many years to get to where I am today, and guess what there are still people who are better artist than me. Some are even years younger than me! Does this make me upset?? NO! I admire those people!! They have gone places with their art that I have yet to reach and all I can say is wow, and work harder to improve myself.
I hate seeing comments like “well this is not very good but..” on peoples work. (I have been guilty a few times of this myself)
So here it is!Exclaim If you did it by yourself, and tried hard then it is GOOD!
Criticism is a good thing. You should not be discouraged by criticism. It should only make you work harder. You will be a better artist and person for it.
This is my main point if you get nothing else out of this……
Has attention got so important that it has become ok to take credit for other people’s art??
Why do we feel as if we need to impress some one?

I have NEWS

but it will have to no point sorry to all that i bumped..i will update this tomorrow to let you know what it's nothing great..but i'm kind of excited lol I GOTS A DA ACCOUNT.. of course not much on it for now..Most will be things ya’ll have already seen. But I draw a lot so I’m sure I’ll have some new stuff up soon

Help me!!

I know you use Photoshop..that what I have XP. What I want to know is how you make your pics transparent..I hate having a background in every picture I draw!


uhh i just noticed no one knows anything about yea i fixed still will not know much lol because i'm mean like that..


wow i have nothing! lol that will have to be fixed!
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