[Beyond] Interaction

Amazon's picture



The air is honey, thick and sweet.
No, spring would not go without a memory.

Faint sunlight forges its path through a veil of broad leaves, bathes their wrinkled flesh in a golden ink, warms the sprawling maze of roots below.

Shadows are driven from their luminous glow, pressed back into crevices, tree-bark cracks and grass-blade bellies, dwindling as a candle's flame.

From the heart of the woods, a robin's song.

Beyond—a clearing.

Lofty poplars border its grassy edge; a bed of crisp pine needles and silvery dandelion puffs, late in season, carpet the rain-darkened earth at their base.

Somewhere, a branch has fallen.
Startled, a cottontail plunges from its bramble cover.

And from the depths of the thicket, a sound:

The wildly clumsy canter of a young fawn, hopelessly unused to the gangling legs spread wide beneath her, yearning for balance, but yes—beaming still.

The lively bobbing of countless wildflower heads thrown forth by an easy wind, each one newly unfurled and wavering beside the child with some crazy vigor.

The intake of breath; the eager, readied stance; the turning of curious ears; the gleaming of eyes; every bit of attention gathered and directed and held.

Who has come to visit?

Please feel free to interact with Amazon here, in art or in writing—
It has been a while, but I will do my best! (:

ocean's picture


Amazooooooon. <3
Munkel's picture

Hm -tracks :3

Hm -tracks :3

(No subject)

Kaoori's picture



humm humm :3

humm humm :3
Willet's picture

oooooooooohhhhhhhh I will

oooooooooohhhhhhhh I will Interaxt as soon as I am able!
Amazon's picture

I've never done this before,

I've never done this before, haha. It's up now. <3

[my God, your description is

[my God, your description is so wonderful, I wish I could write like this in English...]

Here comes a doe. Noticeably taller than other females, wearing the eye-catching great argus pelt covered with a couple of old bruises and quite big gloden butterfly antlers. Hm, not many does wear antlers. She approaches slowly with grace and elegance.
There seems to be so much warmth in her cold blue eyes...

[uh, that's all for now.. May I respond with a picture from time to time? (most probably with a picture AND a description) :)]
Amazon's picture

[Of course! Thank you so

[Of course! Thank you so much! <33]

Even now, these deer shine with the radiance of fire: each wears the sun on their coats as it rises in silence over the trees, some grand trophy set in gold by the morning light. At first—tranquility.

And then the spell is broken.

The fawn has resumed her awkward, dizzying strides. But she's faster now, picking up speed with every teetering step—and the black-banded doe is not far ahead. The flowers swing in her wake. Her smile is as broad as ever; she's clearly delighted at the sight of a new face.

Now, if only she could figure out how to slow down...

The doe stopped and smiled

The doe stopped and smiled slightly. She kept watching the Fawn in her canter all the time. She seemed so optimistic to her, so filled with joy of life.
"My, my... Where are you running so fast? You may get hurt easily in such a hurry."
She wasn't sure if the Fawn could actually hear her. But she was really hoping it didn't get hurt. After all, it was a Fawn only... Such a gentle, fragile creature.

[sorry for my lack of creativity -.-]
Amazon's picture

"Oh!" Slow down! The little


Slow down!

The little fawn wobbled helplessly and, with some difficulty, slid to a halt beside the doe.
Despite this rather fruitless attempt to prove herself equally graceful, she appeared unharmed and undaunted by the uncertainty of her close call. Instead, she was laughing!

"It's lots of fun!" she explained, eyes sparkling. "I like to run. Do you?"

Estme smiled even wider

Estme smiled even wider seeing the Fawn in such a good and playful mood. It's been ages since she last played!
"Oh I love running!" she replied and did a cheerful half-rear. "But I'm afraid I am not that vigorous as you, little one."
She looked at the Fawn with the cold yet so warm eyes filled with pure curiosity.
"What is you name, dear?" she asked.
Amazon's picture

The fawn nodded excitedly. "I

The fawn nodded excitedly. "I bet you could!"

Hooves dancing, she tried to imitate the doe's half-rear.
Fallen leaves skittered from her path. Had it been the wind?

She didn't seem to notice.

"My name's Amazon!" she declared. "What's yours?"

"Hm, hm, your name makes me

"Hm, hm, your name makes me think of someone very brave, little one" she replied calmly. "Mine is , but friends call me Estme."

[short reply is short P:]
Amazon's picture

"I like to be brave

"I like to be brave too!
Sometimes it's kinda hard 'cause I'm not so big.
But mostly, everybody's real nice! Just like you, Estme!
" Amazon nodded vigorously.

"Haha, that's right, dear

"Haha, that's right, dear Amazon."
She sighed.
"Not always however. Not everyone is real nice here. I hope you watch out for such deer."
Amazon's picture



Shtampovala's picture

(Hope I'm not butting in

(Hope I'm not butting in here...<3)

This fawn is older than it, it knows. It's barely two days old, yet stumbling about the forest on unsteady legs already. Such is the wonder of animals, while humans raise themselves higher, it takes their children months before they can even stand on their two feet.

This fawn had learned to stand only an hour after birth.

It's fur is a creamy brown, thin and fluffed out to an absurd degree. In many ways, it looks like a bird that eternally puffs out it's plumage in it's own vain disposition. It's tail is a bright white, and curled to it's back, giving an odd impression indeed.

It stares at the elder fawn in surprise, instantly cowering downwards, belly to the ground, a few mewling cries escaping it's throat.

"Z...Zdrastvoytye..." it murmurs in greeting, obviously not of native tongue.

No matter.
Amazon's picture

Not at all! &hearts; Amazon

Not at all! ♥

Amazon awaits the younger child with delighted eyes.
"I knew I heard somebody!"
Right away she bounces toward him, brimming with soft giggles. "It's kinda hard, don't you think?" She's been called clumsy before—and hasn't grown out of it yet!
When he withdraws, she stops where she stands. Immediately: a look of quiet sympathy. "It's all right, oh yes! Did you—say something?"

Shtampovala's picture

(No subject)

(Thank you<3)

It ticks it's ears, a look of frightened confusion crossing over it's face. It had heard this odd, other-worldly language before, but needless to say, it dosen't understand a word that the other fawn is saying.
As soon as she finishes speaking, it makes a small, undefinable mewling noise, a sound it had grown accoustomed to making when it was stressed as nervous.
"Vy govorite na moem yazyke...?" it asks, feeling very much isolated.

Do you speak my language?

Language barriers were never fun, but it was possible to cross them.

And who knows? Maybe the older fawn can teach it some English.

He moves like something

He moves like something endlessly old, one can almost see the bones beneath the slabs of muscle grinding against each other, like the sea gnawing away at shoreline cliffs.
All of this hidden beneath an expanse of red, a pelt, like blood or winter berries.

Even his eyes are as rubies, shimmering bright and hard gemstone-like.
Silver horns extend from his head, like stakes of precious metal driven into his skull.
Around an eye lined silver, like the molten metal has been poured down his face.

His limbs are long and thick, sturdy, ending in hooves sharp as any blade.
He watches the young fawn, breath drawn upwards through his body to pass from his muzzle in a silent breath puffing from his nostrils.

His body shifts, like it's pressing against the walls of reality, and the paper thin walls of this frail existence will be pulled in on himself.
His ears turn.
He watches, and nothing more.
Amazon's picture

Ahhh, I'm sorry for the

Ahhh, I'm sorry for the delay! Our neighborhood had a power outage in the middle of a response. ;__;

Shtampovala -

Eyes narrowing in unsettled concern, the fawn drew back and offered the other instead a very apologetic sniff.
"I'm not sure what do you mean, oh-oh..."

But the smile returns to her face, and quickly she motions to herself. "Amazon!" And her head is cocked, her ears still with eager inclination.

There is a single question to be unearthed in a poise so vigilant:

What, pray tell, is your own name? ♥

Van -

She wastes no time: she's at his side in an instant.
"Mister, mister! Hi there, yes, thanks for comin'!"

She's laughing, gangling legs splayed wide and wayward—the silly thing!

Today she carries flowers on her head, roses about her ears, a song on her lips.

Today she dances with the breeze.

Shtampovala's picture

The little fawn ticked it's

The little fawn ticked it's ears, watching as the elder child motioned to herself, saying her name, though from it's perspective, it only really saw the fuzzy shape of a fawn, but the gesture was still obvious.

It squinted it's milky grey eyes to see her better, or least get a slightly clearer picture, but eventually simply mimicked her motions, pointing it's hoof to itself.

"Chto" it mumbled, easing up slightly, letting it's muzzle curl into a very tiny smile. It stood up to it's full height, speaking slowly.

"Russki. Voy govorite po Russki?" it asked, letting it's tongue chew on each word.

Russian. Do you speak Russian?

(Oh, I've been there... Power outages and blips are never fun ;; )

Tracking! I will most likely

Tracking! I will most likely write a little something when my brain is working
Amazon's picture

Shtam - "'Chto'," Amazon

Shtam -

"'Chto'," Amazon echoes. "Chto!"

She likes it very much.

But she does not understand the words which follow.
Instead, with hopeful determination, she peels the swinging inflection of its inquiry from that single solid 'Russki'. She knows that it is a question, and she pauses, scrunches her face and thinks hard... hard.

And then, just as slowly, she begins:
"I-I don't... think..."

Another pause.

Oh, if only she knew a "Russki"!

ChildlessFather -

Awesome, sounds great! ♥

Shtampovala's picture

Every time it's name was

Every time it's name was said, it's ears pricked up in recognition. At least that was understood.

By no means did it understand what she was saying, but all the same, it tried to understand, even going so far as to sound out what she had said.

"Aii... Doon't phink..." it mimicked, the words nearly unintellegible in it's accent. It shook it's head, a little giggle escaping it.

"Ya ni panimaiyu..." I don't understand, it sighed in content defeat, taking some steps towards the other fawn to bump it's muzzle against her leg, coiled tail wagging.

"Amazohn..." it mumbled, looking up at her dimmed, innocent eyes.
Amazon's picture

Shtam - "You're silly," she

Shtam -

"You're silly," she laughed. "Chto's silly."

Amazon returned its nuzzle with plain delight, but soon froze—and then, without warning, charged away toward the waiting thicket.
Evergreen mazes made for the best games.

Many lengths away, she whirled at last.


His body moves like silk to

His body moves like silk to join her, moving with a fluidity not known to anything real, anything solid.
His weight seems meaningless, maybe the breeze will sweep him up and carry him away.
He doesn't speak with his words, movements are all he needs, joins her in her dancing.
A smile lights his muzzle for a moment, serene grace.
Shtampovala's picture

"Silli?" it raised an

"Silli?" it raised an eyebrow, though yelped in surprise when she suddenly seemed to dissapear. Eyes wide, it darted it's head to and fro, finally spotting a grainy patch of brown that he could recognize as Amazon, though before it could react, she had completely disspeared from it's line of deprived vision.

"Gday tebye?" Where are you?, it called, taking some steps in the direction it knew she had gone into, occasionally tripping over a root or branch it couldn't see.

It pricked it's ears at her call some distance away, and it followed, struggling through bushes and bits of thorns to get to her.

"Amazohn?" it called, lowering it's nose to the ground to attempt to catch her scent.
Amazon's picture

Van - With quiet admiration,

Van -

With quiet admiration, she tries to mark his supple movements.

He reminds her of——of a swan, yes.

"How'd you do that?" she ventures.

His smile does not go unnoticed.

Shtam -

"Here, Chto!"

Its voice was growing louder, nearer.

Amazon darts beneath a bushy shrub, flattens herself to the ground.

She can see the figure of her friend, and she calls out in a tone of mock fear. "Oh! You're close!"

Shtampovala's picture

It jumped up in surprise,

It jumped up in surprise, finally catching her scent as it followed her trail, nose to the ground, stopping abruptly when it saw the vague shape of a fawn half-hidden by a bush.

Grinning, it lowered itself, circling around so that it faced her from behind, crouched much like a pouncing cat.

It wagged it's tail, laughing in triumph as it charged towards her. "Vot tebye!" There you are! it shouted happily, crashing into the bush with a harsh, crackling sound.
Amazon's picture

Shtam - "Auh-ooh!" the fawn

Shtam -

"Auh-ooh!" the fawn shrieks, falling back again into a new fit of laughter. "Chto," she announces, "You got me!
Amazon leaps to her hoofs and tumbles from the bracken, eyes wide and glowing with excitement. "Your turn!"
Quickly, she gives the other child a nod and motions to the trees around them. "Now you have to hide, okay?"

I have to head out soon. It was a lot of fun tonight, both of you! ♥

"How does the wind stir, how

"How does the wind stir, how does the sea break"

he asked of her, turning to face the fawn, looking down with gemstone eyes, red, not unlike broiling lava, as if it might overflow and scald down his face at any moment.
But they did not.
Shtampovala's picture

It seemed that, as soon as it

It seemed that, as soon as it could see her, she had dissapeared. It was part of the game, yes, but at the same time it was rather stressful to constantly have the fawn leave it's line of vision.

Of course it didn't know the meaning of 'Your turn', so it simply caught her scent toddled over to her, looking up at her with a confused stare, it's ears drooped to the sides of it's head.

"Yoor tern... Nahw yoo haid..." it repeated, stumbling over each odd-sounding word.

It's standing balance faltered, and it leaned up against her leg, looking up at her with those half-blind eyes of it's.
