Back in the Forest

Kiwizoom's picture
It's been awhile since I've played..!
Had a lot of help from a deer earlier today sorting out my spell set,
And a lot of fun later with Boart ( does not seem like they post here, but they were very nice and helpful casting spells and hanging out )

I noticed there are a lot of new spells! I'll be figuring out what my favorite set is now..

I love coming back to look through what the community is doing now. There's always been a lot of lovely art. The character blog pages are getting pretty intense too, it's pretty neat. What does everyone use to make those? Research for later.

I never really had an "IC" thing, it is hard to play a character in the forest for me. But it'd be fun to have some sort of identity people know me by.

Anyways, if you see me in the forest say hi! I'm the one with the pictogram that looks like a shining sword or ribbon

A hearty welcome back to you!

A hearty welcome back to you! I believe css is still common, but now all these wiley kids are using JavaScript for super neat effects. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it is -v-
Kiwizoom's picture

Thank you!! Oh you're right.

Thank you!!

Oh you're right. Things have gotten a lot more advanced since I was last here xD
If I come up with a solid persona I'll make one because those pages are super cute ^^