January 24, 2010 - 9:25pm — Seed
I've tried this before with little success, but... Feel free to ask questions of my deer! They'll answer it themselves, if they can...Though they may lie. If they can't answer it, or if it's for me about them, I'll answer it.
My Deer, for anyone who needs a refresher:
Seed: Generally, a gentle poet, prone to bouts of melencholy but willing to do just about anything. He's not shy, but he's somewhat introverted. He's by a significant margin the oldest of my deer (I'm not talking literally, though that's true there as well. I mean he feels the oldest.)
Hycanith: a sweet and nervous young doe. She's entirely mute, and prone to spazzing out suddenly. She wants to make friends, but generally feels uncertain. She daydreams a lot, and has a mind that's very hard to control. She's very distractable. Underneath her bright and shiny surface are some dark waters; she's young, but deep down is older than you'd think.
Krym: He's generally bold and outgoing, with a bit of a quick temper. He's a simple, friendly sort of guy when you don't get him riled. Likes eating. Krym is a demigod, though he's not fully aware of the capabilities that gives him. He's pretty young, still finding his footing in the world. He has the strongest family bonds of all my deer, and apprecietes them.
I especially want one thing. I feel like I've brought my current set of deer into balance...and what I think I want right now...is to bring Faris back in some way. But, to be frank, he was never all that developed. Beyond his hard-to-handle desire to be knightly (hard-to-handle as in "I was never sure what to do with it") and his love of competetion, most other aspects of his personality were re-used for Krym. So he needs some rethinking and re-working from me...and I'd like you guys to help me by asking questions for or about him, to help me decide who he is now.
If I can't, maybe I'll make someone new. I don't know.
I love answering questions, so please ask them.
*Tails approaches slowly, so
(Note, I understand she cannot 'talk' but Tails will do his best!
Hyacinth nods and lets him
(As a rough translation, she was a nymph who was captured and tortured until she agreed to give her immortality to this guy. Then something -- as of yet unclear -- saved her soul and turned her into a fawn here. I'm not sure she would ordinarily answer that question, in a more serious RP or what-have-you, but this is for the purpose of question-and-answer, so yeah.)
1. All; When you're upset or
2. All; Is there a particular place in the forest that has a special meaning to you? If so, why?
3. All; Your views on the Twin Gods?
4. All; How far would you go to defend yourself or a friend?
5. All; Do you think murder is ever justified?
8D; /fail
1: Krym: "I guess I respond
Krym: "I guess I respond -- if someone's messing with me, I don't want to just stand around and take it!"
Hyacinth: She just trembles and pretends she's not upset. Poorly. She usually tries not to cry, but ends up crying.
Seed:"I usually do my best not to trouble other people with my feelings like that...If Scape's around, I'll talk to him about it, but generally, if it really matters, I'll go sit by myself and do some thinking.
Sir Faris: "In matters of passion, it is unwise to hold back. Still, you have to be prepared to restrain yourself, or risk acting in a way you'll regret."
Seed: "There's a lot of places like that. There's under the bridge, where I sleep...There's the willow tree right by the mouth of the river, which is a lovely spot for writing poems...there's the high, hard-to-access rock at the playground, where I sit when I want to have thoughts and hear the birds...There's the patch of dandelions where Nevilly and I decided what we wanted from one another...and there's the spot where Payton always slept, those logs by the mushroom hill by the ruins -- I can't see it and not think of her. The act of me being in thos eplaces, and soaking up the scenary and the memories there...That gives them a meaning that is hard to explain."
Hyacinth: Hyacinth likes the pond a lot...Her favorite, favorite place is the area with the purple flowers and the poppies right next to one another -- regardless of what happens, she's happy there.
Krym: "There's not much...but there's a log by the oak, where there's a bunch of ferns and stones there...Dad took me there the day I was born, so when I go there, I just feel...you know. safe. And sappy stuff like that."
Faris:"As a knight errant, I cannot say there are too many places to which I've formed deep attachements. There is the twinned trees that form a steady surface above my head -- they're a loyal home to me, which is a service of sorts."
Seed: "They are workers of miracles, creators of a grand beauty I could spend my life understanding... Sometimes, though, I can't help but blame them for my misfortune."
Hyacinth: looks puzzled, as if she doesn't fully understand the question. She shrugs, gently, as if to turn it away.
Krym:"I dunno. I've never met them, but they made everything...but not everything-everything, since most of my family's from somewhere else...I dunno. They made a nice place, though, and I'm happy to be there. Does that count?"
Faris: "I'm very devoted to the Twin Gods, as makers and protectors of this world. They are the ultimate power of this world -- I would love to spar one of them. Not to win -- just to try it. Just once. I think it would be like tasting ambrosia."
Seed:"I'm not a fighter -- but I would take every blow I would need to for someone else. For myself...I'm not sure I care to defend myself. My body is well-made to withstand blows. I think calming the other person down matters more.
Hyacinth: She'd maybe try to help a friend run away from an attacker...but she's pretty cowardly. If it were just her, she'd run and hide.
Krym: "How far? I wouldn't kill them, if that's what you mean. But of course I would fight back! I'd fight back as best as I could, and don't you forget it!"
Faris: "If someone were to fight me, with words or with antlers, it would be my delight to meet them in response! If someone were to fight a friend or stranger...then it would be my duty to do whatever justice would take me to do."
Seed: "It depends on exactly what you mean by murder. If it's what I'm thinking of when I hear that word...No. But I think there are reasons to kill someone that make it different...Some I think may sometimes be justified, but I know I could never do them. But in most cases, in general, killing someone else isn't justified."
Hyacinth: Shakes her head and looks horrified you could ever even ask that.
Krym: "No! You can't just go around killing people, no matter what your reasons!...I mean...I guess...If they were maybe killing you...Or someone you loved....But only then, and only as a last resort!"
Faris: "Murder is, by its definition, always wrong -- and there be no justification for doing wrong when you could have done right."
Actually, these are great questions. I've learned a good bit, most relevantly, how each of my deer defines the word "murder." Only Hyacinth and Krym use the "to kill someone" definition outright. Seed and Faris use, I think, a slightly more distinct definition.
c: Glad to help. I enjoyed
Seed's answers were the
In a Forest of green, a
In a Forest of green, a single dot of blood walks about on four pillars, eyes of blue looking for the one she has not seen for so long. Questions are being rung, answers are flying like the song of the mourning dove. She had a question for him, her gaze sweeping their home for the flashing scales and always fragrant violets that adorned his pearly crown.
" Seed.."
His kind face was always inviting, even when he was in distress, he never turned from a comforting shoulder to cry on. With a brief but endeering nuzzle, she placed a small kiss to one of his ears as she asked her question softly.
" What's her name? The one you love? "
Already the answer had been told, but she wanted to hear it form his voice, not from the rambling of the young does of the Forest. She wanted to wish him well with his new love...
Pfffshaaaw. XD
"...Well..." He blushed and
"...Well..." He blushed and turned away. This was an unexpectably hard one. But he turned to the doe, who was sometimes kind to him, and answered her as best he could. "I still love Payton, and I think part of me always will...but if you mean the doe who has more recently found her place in a deep part of my heart...Her name is Nevilly." A smile, a real one, spread across his face at the mention of her name. He had to give service to both of those does, who loved him and who he loved. He wouldn't be himself otherwise -- there is no immortality but a tree's love, as he had once heard it put. And it was still true of him.
track for now
Oh, come on! It doesn't have
1. All- Do you know the
2. Seed- How did you become a poet? Was it natural, or did you practice?
3. All- Name the five things you love most about the forest.
4. Faris- What made you desire to be 'knightly'? Was it a sense of duty or something else?
5. Faris- How far does your "knightliness" extend? Are there certain deer/ other things you wouldn't protect?
6. Faris- What is the one thing that matters most to you and why?
7. Faris- If you were to see your mortal enemy in dire peril, what would you do?
8. All- Do you follow a religion?
9. All- How well do you react in a panic situation? Would you be able to make a split decision if it was life or death?
10. All-Is true love possible?
[Mah, not that great. D: Enjoy?]
((Gah! all my replies were
Seed: "Well, I know what my name means...It's a word, after all. But why I have it, as opposed to any other botanical word...I do not. It's merely my name. I didn't choose it -- I only realized what it was."
Hyacinth: She nods and draws a Hyacinth flower.
Krym: "I don't really care about stuff like that -- I've never asked."
Faris: "It is the German word for Knight."
"I think no real poet could say anything but 'both.' The love was natural, the desire was natural, some of the intuition was natural -- the rest is craft, and I had to train myself with practice. I don't think I ever chose to be a poet -- it was part of how I came to express and record the way I saw the world. I started writing poems when I was still a fawn, actually."
Seed: "There are too many...but offhand...The people, the fireflies, the butterflies, the water, the way the light changes color at the horizon, and too much more to say."
Hyacinth: She draws on the ground a poppie and a purple flower; The ruins; A candle; a group of deer dancing; and a bunch of little animals.
Krym: "All the deer, and the food, and the adventures, and the mushrooms especially, and sound you make when you run through the trees, and being with my family and....Oh, wait, that was six. Darnit!"
Faris: "All the deer I can compete with, and all the innocent deer who are bright and warm, and the broad lay of the land, and the magic, and the sturdy trees for sparring dummies."
"I think it began with my father...He would tell me stories of knights, how noble and good they were...I think he left me here, that I might train to become a knight."
"It extends to every part of my being. The only person I would not protect was one doing wrong -- that is the duty of a knight, to protect the weak and to punish the guilty."
"Competition -- battle, particularly, but in all forms. When I am using my strength to protect the innocent -- or merely to hone it into a fine tool -- my heart sings with pure fire."
"It would depend on the peril. I would save him from being unjustly attacked by many foes...And I would save him from illness, or the forces of nature. But to be my enemy, he must first have done wrong, and when his just punishment comes to him, if it were not my own self, then I would give my approval."
Seed: "I worship the Twin Gods -- but not so much at the statue. I worship by contemplating and admiring their creation, and their gift to me."
Hyacinth: She nods.
Faris: "Of course! Part of being a knight is being pius."
Krym: "My mother's a goddess! ...So...Kinda. I mean, I can't not believe in my mother, or I'm not believing in myself...But...I kinda feel wierd worshipping my mother, so I'm kind of non-practicing."
Seed: "Not well, I'm afraid...I tend to overthink things...But I think I could make such a decision."
Krym: "I...I think I can handle it! I'm not a coward! I've never been in a situation like that, but I think so."
Hyacinth: She shakes her head frantically and mimes panicking.
Faris: "I handle myself well under pressure -- but at times, I tend to get carried away by my feelings before my honor. I need to disipline that. I can make any decision I need to."
Seed: "I think it's necessary. I don't think there's such a thing as love that's not true -- if there's falsehood in it, it's not love."
Krym: "Yeah, I guess. I mean, my dad and my mom (I'm talking about Maia, I mean. I call my biological mother my mother, OK?) have something really beautiful. I'd like to meet a nice doe one day and have something like that."
Hyacinth: She looks sad and far away. She shrugs, a weak smile on her face.
Faris: "Yes. One day, I hope to meet a lady whom I might serve, whose honor I will glorify by my deeds, and who will share my heart."
((Another useful round of questions.))
Latet approached and bowed to
"If I may, I would like to ask you some questions. First questions is for all of you. Do you think that you are here for a particular reason?
Next question is for the doe. I apologize for not remembering your name. I do hope you could forgive me. But why do you think you are unable to speak?
This one is for the two stags. Would you ever sacrifice your friends to save the one you love? For an example, if you had to choose between a friend that you grew up with and your true love, which would you pick?
Final question is for all of you. Have you ever been outside of the Forest?
The doe bowed once more, signaling that her questions were over.
Well I suck at thinking of
"I'm here because I earned
"I don't think of things as reasons or whatever -- I'm here, so I have to make the most of it."
Hyacinth shrugs.
Hyacinth looks really nervous, but shrugs again and shakes her head.
"...Oh, I'm not good at that sort of thing...I don't think I accept choices about affection as binary like that -- I'd save them all, as best I could, or die trying."
"I don't have someone I love....I mean, other than my family and my friends. But what sort of scenario would make me have to choose like that?"
Hyacinth nods.
"No, actually. I was...originally.... in a different part of the forest, but it's still the forest."
"Nope! I'm a forest stag, born and raised and darn proud of it!"
[Krym is sweet.
1. If you chose a song/type of music to represent yourself, what would it be?
2. What is your definition of evil? Of good?
3. What is your idea of a perfect life/lifestyle?
4. If you were offered a chance to go on the adventure of a lifetime, would you take it?
5. If you could change one thing about yourself/your life, what would it be?
6. What do you think of magic/magical happenings? Do they frighten you? Amuse you? Something else?
7. What are you most afraid of?
8. If you were to meet a very rude deer who wouldn't leave you alone, how would you react?
9. Do you have a hobby (Seed- besides writing poetry)? If you do, what is it?
10. What do you think of overly-happy deer?
[This is fun. x3]
1. Seed: "Well, there are a
Seed: "Well, there are a lot of songs I can think of....But's let's say, offhand, 'Message in a Bottle' or 'River of Dreams' by Sting/the Police and Billy Joel, respectively."
Krym: "Hmmm....'If I had a Million Dollars' by Barenaked Ladies is kind of how I think...
Hycaninth: thinks for a while, but cannot find an answer. ((Offhand, maybe "Now that I'm a woman" from the Last Unicorn, but just replacing "woman" with "doe. "Problem Girl" by Rob Thomas may also work, given how strange and uneasy she is with people.))
Faris: "A ballad. Something powerful. I don't know much of music, I'm afraid." ((I actually can't find anything quickly.))
((I may have to come back to this one))
Seed: "I think evil is any act done with the intent to do harm, or the disrespect for another's life, freedom of choice, or property. The ends doesn't justify the means. Good is, then, the opposite -- something done to aid another, with respect for who they are. Most people, I think, will try to do half of good, but will forget the other."
Krym: "Evil's when you hurt someone, and good is when you help them. It's pretty simple -- it doesn't have to be complicated."
Hyacinth: Looks at Krym's response above and nods.
Faris: "Evil is to betray the light; evil is to attack those who cannot defend themselves, in any of the ways you might attack. Evil is to damage good. Good, by contrast, is to destroy evil, through your actions, or through not letting it nestle in your own heart and living a peaceful life. Good is a world without a need for Knights, who must exist to stop evil through means of arms."
Seed: "A perfect life...I'd like to live in a beautiful world, and always be surrounded by my dearest loved ones. There are times when, you know, I nearly have it."
Faris: "As I said above, I would like a world where someone like me did not need to exist. I would love to only have to use my antlers for friendly spars, done only for the love of competetion, where everyone was peaceful and happy."
Hyacinth: She looks away for a long time. She can't seem to find a way to articulate her answer. But she'd want a life where she felt safe, and had exactly as many friends as she wanted, and she was never alone with her nightmares.
Krym: "Well, I have it, don't I? I've got family who loves me and enough to eat and a big beautiful world full of people to explore! Everything I need for a perfect life is already there, and I just have to sieze it!"
Seed: "It depends on what one defines as 'an adventure.' I'm alive, aren't I? I think living life...may be the adventure of a lifetime...That, or perhaps love, and love is the one thing I cannot refuse."
Hyacinth: She thinks about it, and then, hesitantly, and maybe a little frightened, nods.
Krym and Faris in unison: "Of course!"
Seed: "I think I'd like to be less selfish."
Hyacinth: She looks at her earlier drawings, the ones about her past, and she erased them with a sweep of her hoof.
Krym: "I like me! Why'd I want to change me?...But I'd like to be more of a gentleman like my dad, I guess..."
Faris: "I would like to be a more noble and true knight."
Seed: "They interest me. Sometimes they annoy me, sometimes they amuse me, but mostly, the fact that they exist is interesting."
Krym: "They're great! Except mask spells. Everyone thinks I want one, and they just won't freaking stop! My face is fine the way it is, darnit!" He taunts the air in frustration.
Faris: "They are signs of the power of the Twin Gods, and should be handled with reverence and not used as toys....But they are fun."
Seed: "Losing, or having to choose between, my loved ones."
Krym: "Losing my family...or hurting them."
Hyacinth: She shudders, for a moment remembering her own little nightmare.
Faris: "Failing again."
Seed: "I would just go to sleep -- I don't have to deal with this stuff."
Hyacinth: She trembles and mimes running away.
Krym: "Tell 'em off, of course! Fight 'em off, if I've got to! You can't go around picking on me!"
Faris: "I would, I think, give them a challenge. And if they took it, I would fight them until they submitted. If not, I would leave them, and leave the forest for a time, since they could neither be removed nor pleased."
Seed: "I've tried a few, but nothing suits me. I like to watch the world go by, sometimes."
Hyacinth: She nods and draws herself exploring the ruins.
Faris: "Sparring or racing or some other manner of casual competetion, of course."
Krym: "....Eating, I guess? I like running a lot, too."
Seed: "I don't think someone can be too happy. I wish they'll stay that happy -- but I don't think it'll last. Happiness is a hummingbird, darting about by necessity -- if it lives too long in one place, it's sure to die."
Krym: "I love them! They're so much fun!"
Hyacinth: Looks at Krym's statement again and nods.
Faris: "I'm glad they have their peace and happiness -- if need be, I'll fight to defend that for them."
((I'll add colors later))