Zorro's Bio

Meet Zorro, A gloaty but brave deer. Zorro will be seen swimming in the pond or sitting by the pond looking at young does such as Lora and Aurora pass by, once he sees a doe he likes he goes after her faster then a shark can kill a human. He likes Aurora the most, but for some reason shes always busy. Zorro hopes to see her every day, even if shes always busy. All though he likes does he hates fawns he hates everything about them, how much attention they need, how cute they are, EVERYTHING! Just the thought of fawns wants to make him barf, he gets stronger each day just by killing a fawn, as long as the does don't know he hates fawns the does are more attached to him then a tree attached to the ground! He doesn't care how many fawns there are in the world does are better then killing a fawn, he loves how danger comes into the forest because that way he can get rid of the danger and the does flock to him. Zorro doesn't want a life time relation ship because he think does might be beautiful but all that lovey dovey stuff isn't worth that! One more time I will say Zorro Hates Fawns like Adam who is by the name happy he has his antlers, another gloaty deer and the deer happens to be a FAWN! This spells troubble... and as for Lilly hes not interested in her at all! But Lilly doesn't know that.
Gender: Male
Eyes: Dark Brown
Main Fur: Light Brown
Underside Fur: White
Other Traits: None
Appearance: Handsome and brave
Age: Adult
Weight: Average Stag
Height: Average Stag
Thats most of Zorro's info, ask quetions and there will be answers.