Xylia......I guess XD

phantomhelsing's picture
well, this started out as that picture of Xylia for Sarie, but, it turned.................very conceptual.

It's still her though, I swear D8

It's so bright and happy, i guess it filled that lovey-dovey need I had.......somehow XD

but look! there's doves in there! Just like Sluggs suggested C:

I don't even know anymore XD
Noekie's picture


beautiful! Smiling

Omg its so beautiful! n.n <3

Omg its so beautiful! n.n <3 Well done!

-- Dannii <3
Emiva's picture

Gorgeous <333 ~~

Gorgeous <333




I so do not deserve this.

-dies ten times over- C8

Please excuse me as I set this as my desktop.
That is GORGEOUS. I can just picture Xy like that that, 'cause she's an immortal, y'know? And hjfjkdfdsjk the shinyness. ;V; <3333 <33 <333333 <3 It is sososososososososososso preeettttyyyyyy. Xylia looks stunning<3333


- -

The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
phantomhelsing's picture

XD hahaha you are welcome

XD hahaha you are welcome C:
that's sort of what I was thinking while doing this.................it was also one in the morning and I was like"OMG LET'S MAKE IT ALL SHINY LOOKING 8D" XD

okay slave, go make me something to eat, I'm too lazy to do it myself XD

your metaphor is cutting into my cankles! >:C

I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
Lacey's picture


Laughing out loud So pretty!
