Were never down

Battered and bruised
But never lost
Never lonely
Always doubting

My life is what I have to pay
And thats nearing close to its end
My purpose
My reason for existing
Is soon to be extinguished

My life instead of anothers
Its not romantic
Nor is it brave
It's a bond of loyalty
That made take
That person's place

For I can bare the pain
And carry the burden
But my heart would break
To see them in this place
And to endure
This cruel treatment

I bend myslef
Not in submission
But in duty to my people
May I be strong
And face the day
And shed not one tear
Or cry out

Let my family see me standing
So that they may be proud
To those in this place
Remember who you are
They can beat us down
And break our backs
But we'll rise again