Unravel then Rebuild

Life has a way of unraveling despite protests and plans. The forest no different in that life cycle. Usuallytransitions with anger and reborn in anger. All indicators to rebuild. Relationships mattered in the forest ecosystem. How we played and interacted. How we greeted one another. How we let some fawn hide and watch while others received a mentor. If one deer wished to have pride so be it. If one wanted to fly, fall down, roll on their back in a fit of giggles we celebrated that with a dance. If a deer needed pride we made sure they had an opportunity to be prideful. If they needed to be brave a group formed to charge the twin gods. If a group draws bloody pictures it was allowed and if they wished another deer dead or the side dead we allowed that for a time. Reads like a painful rebirth. It will be a similar ecosystem but not the same. Deer will be coming in from the other place in pain and loss.