Trying on Masks

Meru-Sama's picture
So today I was wandering the forest when I came upon a big crowd near the bridge. I came to them and greeted the general crowd. Then before I knew it... Laughing out loud Everyone was casting spells on me!

They were all mask spells so I pretty much saw every mask (Unless some are rarer to get) in the game. Laughing out loud That really helped! So I've narrowed it down to two masks that I want my deer to wear. Either the beak like mask or the mask that just covers the eyes in black. That really helped for Sheka's character development.

Speaking of working on my deer's character... Sheka Risu... I actually drew a picture of him but i'm working on what he'd look like so the drawings my change over time. I'll try and post a picture with a quick bio sometime soon... I just have to make sure my scanner will still work. Since I upgraded to Vista it probably won't...

Laughing out loud Sooo... thanks to all the people that cast spells on me! If you don't remember.... I'm the one that later started walking in circles... and moon walking. That was pretty amusing when I realized I could do that.