Thats not a true friend

Come again
I didn't hear your words
It didn't last
You say

Well forgive me for not feeling sad
But your the one who stabbed me in the back
I can honestly say I had nothing to do with it
But I won't offer my shoulder to you

That privaledge you lost
If you think were friends
after aadmittedly goinf behind my back
Then you need to think and reflect

Thats not a true friend
I gave you a chance
Even when I thought I shouldn't
That was my mistake
But I won't make the same one twice

I'm sick and tired of this
You stick to me like a leech
And I can't sympathize with you
My heart won't allow it

How can you not understand this
What other game are you trying to play?
Well sorry
I'm tired of this and it's wasting my time
I've moved past it
But you keep dragging me back in
But no more

I would stand by my friends
Gladly if I was needed
But you
I don't consider a friend
And it was your actions that showed
That you were not a true friends

Words are like air
But actions are like cement
Forever engraved in stone