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Name: Lilith
Titles: The Old One, The Behemoth, Mountain, Runetounge
Nicknames: Lil, Lili, Big Blue
Gender: Female
Species: A being that has been around since the first breaths of the world, once rumored to be the Lilith of legend, first women of earth. Many millennias have passed since then and what may be the truth has disappeared. May be part of some kind of reincarnation cycle, never dying but constantly recycled. Unaware of this and has extremely few memories dating back to the first light, unsure if these memories are truth or simply images her mind created to cope with what she has seen. Was not born, simply materialized one day. Was once worshiped as a God by a long faded and forgotten society before she fell.
Diet: Omnivore, although vastly prefers meat, has sharp teeth because of this
Size: 15 though is capable of shifting sizes, may shrink to 3 if around fawns
Speech: Normal speech, Lying
Voice: Mostly Wolf Larson but can sound like Joni Mitchell or Florence, and can also make her voice extremely deep. Capable of altering everything about her voice, often mimics other's accents accidentally. Voice has an echo to it, like two voices speaking slightly out of sync with each other, more noticeable when she is angry. Sounds like Aserta when this happens.
Sounds: Bugle, hiss, capable of growling, also hums and purrs. Chitters. Can mimic most noises but seldom does so.
Scent: Changes from day to day. Most common scents are old coins, orange lavender, dust, rotting meat, moss and various herbs. Scents change according to mood, the better the mood the nicer the scent. The more intense the mood the stronger the smell.Recent company's scents also tend to cling.
Haunts: Reat's Circle, Stone Circle, Twin Trees, Willow
Set: hands mask/peacock pelt/poppies,candles or beluga antlers
Possessions: Dried flowers that were cast on her at one point or the other by her sons, A handmade rabbit skin blanket made by and given to her from Nilo, A Sabre Tooth skull painted by Verve
Tab Two
Displays signs of Erythrophobia, a fear of the color red. Although the doe doe attempts to keep this hidden it is apparent in the way she will advoid deer that carry the Idol pelt or any individuls that Apeirophobia
Relations? Tab Three
Tab Four