
Isolde's picture


Neverwinter's picture

A Blog of Salutations

Hello, I am Neverwinter (by username) and this is a blog in which, so far, I have said Hello.

I have never been of much use as far as social interactions go, held back mostly by some avoidant personality. I apologize in advance for any standoffish-ness, please do not take it as an insult.

I have recently rediscovered TEF back in the corners of the closet I call the "Recycle Bin" (appropriately named Narnia), and then the community site followed after. I had played it the week I made the account and it was awesome. Now that I am back, I found to my happy surprise that my little fawn has grown into a full-fledged stag!

This is a good opportunity to express how awesome this game really is. The social interactions are amazing, and nonverbal. How curious, how challenging, forming my emotions into actions instead of words. And the community site is the Rosetta Stone in which each member can create even deeper meaning to each action, and every unimportant interaction becomes a page in a great story.

But, what is this "pelt" and "spelldata" and "sets" I hear of? Do they not disappear within minutes?

I will try to become an active member on this site as a way to express my avid support for this "game", and this, to my best knowledge, is the most appropriate way to begin:

quadraptor's picture

On self worth (discussion topic) + my checklist

Heya again, guys. I wanted to ask about this for a while, just need some advice. I've probably covered this topic before but wanted to write it anyway.

As you probably know, I'm going through a process of recovery after Dad's passing. One of the issues I've been having lately is that I'm not proud of who I am and I just flat out think I'm worthless. I wanted to ask a few questions:

How do you see yourself positively? How can you be proud of yourself? What can you do to have pride without it being selfish or glorifying? What do you do to stay positive during the day?

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated. And I'm sorry if I'm being annoying by bringing up non-TEF things like this, just wanted to see what you guys had in mind.

I've been told often that I need to take care of myself before I take care of others, but I'm having such a hard time accepting that. I see so many others in need and I neglect my own feelings to take care of them.

I really want to save the world, but I have to save myself first.

*long-distance nuzzles* Thank you again.

This song has made me happy every time I listen to it. I don't know what it is about it, but I wanted to share it if you're having a bad day or anything.


Quad's Checklist - always having additions to it.
z.m123's picture

Bite Me

My friend gave me gift... A sticker with 'Bite Me' on >8D
parrotsnpineapple's picture

The time has come

for me to get new music.
I listen to most things, so Id love to hear what you guys listen too. Some of the music I like is Jonsi, Jonsi & Alex, The Temper Trap, Art vs Science, Keewix, the armada, passion pit

really. I listen to anything. So SEND THOSE LINKS IN <3
BluedeerLegend18's picture


Do any of you play I, PREDATOR by Kuma and Animal Planet? There are three maps, and either you are predator or prey. In the first map you can be either a shark or a seal, in the second gazelle or cheetah, and in the third lion or buffalo. Your mission: Survive. You will be with people online, and you can hunt each other. You can talk in the chat box or talk to each other with voice. It's a really fun game. I'd rate the second and third map Everyone 10 plus for mild violence, and I would rate Shark and seal Teen for blood.

If any of you go there I might go as Bluewolf, or maybe emperor whatever I am (like if I'm a shark, I would be Emperor Shark).
Kyoan's picture

On Predators

Shiekra's picture

collection of art people have made for meh :D


thankies MoonlitStar

Thankies, Unplugged

Thankies, Anjali

^^^^I got these above ones for my bday >u< thanks, guys!^^^^^^^^^^^
quadraptor's picture

Connecting with your inner spirit

I wanted to share my experiences and tips on this practice. I'm sure that some of you may have your own methods and practices toward virtually the same idea. Any help or comments are greatly appreciated, and expect additions and editing of this topic.

I've gotten to a point in my life where I look for guidance, inner peace, and inspiration. I often take personal journeys, both when I need someone to share my thoughts with as well as when I need to learn a lesson. I turn to my own spirit for this guidance, and quite often I discover that it is much wiser than I am.

How to explain what the spirit is can be difficult. Is it simply your conscience and common sense manifesting? Are you actually talking to your own soul? Do you genuinely have a guardian spirit watching over you? Or is this something that quite frankly we cannot understand? I don't have the answer there, but I can describe this the best way I can.

Find a quiet place and sit somewhere you are comfortable. If you need ambient sounds or music, try to find something relaxing to listen to.

Now imagine your deer (or if you like another animal, imagine them instead) standing right by you, being there to encourage, inspire, or even comfort you. Imagine that you and your deer/animal are in a forest or the woods, and there is a path that seems to lead endlessly (you can choose another place you find more suitable or particularly enjoy, it's entirely up to you). Walk with them, and let the conversation start. It will be kind of like a dream, just relax and enjoy the experience.

Understand that they may not have all the right answers, but they can guide you in the right direction. If at any point you get frustrated or angry, just stop, catch your breath, and then come back to them. Your deer/animal will understand, it's human nature.
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