So I decided if I didn't blog now I would probably not blog at all for a while, so if the pictures are crappy it's because I'm being too lazy to color.
...where I should just admit that I don't come here anymore |D
I haven't been the slightest bit active in how many months? Four? Lol WHOOPS.
Truth be told, I haven't been very eager to re-establish my place here since a year ago when I picked up my life and got a new computer. Anyone important to me and Atiq was gone, and there was such an overwhelming surge of new faces that we got lost and sort of faded into the background. I'm not the type that deals with that well X3
How many of you out there remember my actual name? The name that was displayed on here before the system got changed? How many of you remember the name Cavalier?
The sobering answer is that not a great deal do. Which is okay, really, it's all part of how times change ^-^ I had my time and it was fun, but now there's new people to take over, to have their days and their stories.
Today I logged on to take a run in the Forest, and I was reminded why I joined in the first place. I ran into deer that I didn't know whatsoever, and we just played. We didn't care who one another was, there was no worry about cliques, or whether or not interacting with this deer or that was okay, Atiq didn't have to skirt around on tiptoes for fear of ticking anyone off. It was just like our first day here. And it made me really happy |3
And now I'm sitting here on an old account in a new set, with a new name, next to an adorable fawn who helped me out, I remember why I loved this game so much all those summers ago.
A chunk of close friends I had here are gone, Atiq's stories are at an end, and I don't think it could ever be the way it was. But that's alright, I remember and that's all I care about. This site isn't home anymore for me, so I can't stay. But hell will freeze over before I leave completely. I want to thank everyone for the great ride I had, you all helped me through a lot and were a pleasure to play with.
I found out today, the three main spots for mushrooms and bark. bark by the pond, mushroom by the bridge and mushroom by the graves.
read "What I found out, the beginners guide to stuff" to see what else I can find
Well, Hello! I'm Wanderer, you may call me Wanda or Wan, Either is fine. I've been on this game for...2 and a half years, I just never joined the forum. ^^
Some of you may know me as 'Shiranui'. You may call me Shira if you like, but i don't care. :3
I'm known on other games and those are;
Secondhand lands; Camu, Faye, Olivia, Chasil, KumikoRasha, Wanderer, Dasari.
WolfQuest; + Shiranui +
TEF (Obviously); Wanderer
Impressive title; Wanderer
Impressive Hearts; Wanderer
MSN; (You may add me, if you like. :3)
That's it. If you know me, Give me a bell and we can chat. C:
on another note, I'll probably be on IT/IH/WQ/SHL More then this, so if you want to keep in touch, you know where to find me, or as said, add me to your msn. C:
I've been gone for some time now. D:
Been having a big(BIG) break from the game,
and I think I'm ready to continue playing.
Though, I have no idea if my friends are here, still...
If anyone even remembers me. >.<
And I'm also wondering if someone could help me get my Tei his set? ^^ (gazelle pelt, gazelle antlers and real deer mask)