
Kumiko's picture

Through Rain and Shine

Took some screenshots from Kumiko and Reetno in the rain. Their in banner form because I might use them in a blog post since there's a couple topics Kumiko could talk about. I just am not sure if I really want her to talk about them. Sticking out tongue
Kumiko's picture

Too Late

I saw her today. I saw the Ghost Deer! I chased after her question rather or not she could see me, but just as I was about to find out, she left...
Blackhoof's picture


Yeah...this will be gone soon...Like in about five
minutes I just wanted to show it to someone...
Those people creatures? Yeah, I call them toys...
lil emo things that wither about there daily lives.

Creatures I made up along time ago...still wuvs them...
Cow...Ignor crapy human anatomy...

Enjoy...the five minutes you get to look at it...
quadraptor's picture

Quad as a Human

Sorry if this looks too horrible, especially the fail celtic knot on the bottom of his robe, but I imagined Quad to be like a cleric or a monk in a fantasy setting, so this is what I went with.
Lyeekha's picture

Holiday snap! XD

Us on holiday last week, and with D!M because Lizardy was there too.

Drawn in the tent alternately by torchlight and candlelight! 8D
Liëka being peaceful for once in her life, FIU sunbathing in the shade of her ostrichfeather fan (I had to do her in the car, you can tell by her weird face >.<), the megaloceros (otherwise known as an Irish elk) looking all confused by this whole -sand- business (never got this on the Plains!), Mourner not present as the seaside isn't really his thing, but his daemon there as a token effort, Troll asleep happily in a rock pool (salt water is more soothing and good for the skin), D!M very happy that he's made a little feathery friend, and Hunter.... appears to have found one of the secret fawns... eh, we'll let that one pass.

(Nobody mention the absense of sea, please! XD)
Aussie_Chan's picture

Poke the Ground

This is just a quick doodle of the Endless Forest deer combo. I was bored in my zoology class, and I had already completed the assignment and had nothing else to do. So, I looked up some reference pics, and tried doing a sketch EF style. I thought it turned out alright, seeing as I did it all in about 40-50 minutes. My scanner's broken, so unfortunately, I can only do a webcam pic. It attempted to make it look interesting. ^^;

I'll put some of more... my style art later. ^^
phantomhelsing's picture


well, it started off as a collab with Lacey, but ended in..................Lacey and Atiq............horsies? o_O

I was like, this is no proper collab.....................then I came back here and she already did something. So now it's okay, problem solved C:

Lacey is the top one fyi............................

and yes I do over exaggerate the dished face of the Arabian breed :3
Emiva's picture

Isis, I'm sorry

I'm sorry if I've scared you, or made you think I was leaving. I'm not, and I dont want you to be mad at me >.< Emmy luvs you <3
Kumiko's picture

Butterfly Close-Ups

It's a beautiful day outside right now- especially for St. Louis in August. The sun is shining, there's a nice breeze, and it isn't too hot. So I decided to stand outside in the backyard with my dogs while they did things dogs do. I noticed that there were a bunch of birds and butterflies around today so I went inside and grabbed my digital camera because I saw one butterfly sucking nectar out of a flower right in front of me.

The butterfly didn't seem to mind me being there and I was able to take some pictures of it.

Kumiko's picture

Two Face

Do you believe in Harvey Dent? Or do you believe in Vesiko!?
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