{ Missing Peron's Report }
Name: Locket Vergessen
Age: Somewhere between 10 and 12
Gender: Female
City: Erfurt, Thuringen
Country: Germany
Father's Name: Unknown
Father's Location: Unknown
Mother's Name: Unknown
Mother's Location: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Description: Small in stature with scrawny, weak legs; malnourished body (ribs are exposed); eyes are a shadow of misty blue
Personal Belongs: A silver heart-shaped locket; believed to contain a picture of parents
Location Last Seen: Near the bridge, apox. 24 miles outside of town
Description of Case: Locket was reported missing at 4:30am on August 30th. The person who called in the report is currently unkown; it is uncertain rather the reporter is a relative or someone whom Locket was living with. Much is currently known about the missing girl. Neither parent could be located nor was anyone living at the street address that was believed to be their home. It looked like they had been evicted sometime ago...
Detectives are currently searching for more information regarding the Vergressens while also trying to locate any blood relative. No information has been found as of the time of this report.
Also at this time, it is uncertain as to if this is a kidnapping, a runaway situation, or someone being lost. All that was said when the reported called in was that Locket had wandered off. The voice was scrambled as if someone was speaking on a cell phone with horrible reception. The rest of the message was unclear and distinguishable.