
Foxglaive's picture

How! [Perreedus]!

Ahh! Hello! Forgivings for any troublings it caused for awe and asphixiation of the [Perreedus]! You are very talent! May it ask how this accomplish? Ahh! It has heard of throwing one's self at the ground and missing to achieve such a foot! But now isn't not the time for makings the circles of mints so it will not haste any longer. May somethings wonderful about to happy for you, like nice waffle.
Equanox's picture

I'm blue :D

so pretty pretty pretty :3
I did the same trick for the perma devout pelt because I want to keep my blue pelt. It's so pretty :3 Though I saw another deer with blue and gold stripes. He was even prettier :3 But I still like the blue! I'll log back in in a sec to see if the trick worked. If not, I need to figure out how everyone keeps their looks without it disappearing.
CydaLuva83's picture

Curious little crier.

Who might you be little green?
Cane's picture

Me and a friend

(Black and white)
Equanox's picture

I got a mask :D

I know, nothing super special, but I was excited about it.
animallover0629's picture

Either the World Grew...

Or Siekh shrank.
Flatsoda's picture


Undomiel's picture

visiting De Drinkplaats

Redface What are you doing here?

A flying fish?

Flower ^^

"hmmm play the A's"

Vaga's picture

Unknown friend

Whoever this deer is I would love to know! :> Just comment below and tell me who you are so I can know who Balu's new friend is.
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