
Lu's picture

A Couple Weeks' Worth of "Who Are You"s.

These are in chronological order, starting with most recent shots (starting tonight) at the top. xD;

Tonight was Lapstrake's first night on the town and he already found a few deer he'd like to maybe hang out with again.
Who might this quiet, violet-flowered fawn be? Lapstrake thought you were just the coolest, what with your quiet atmosphere and (of course) your pretty little flowers.
...he stalks fawns with those flowers. 8|;
You kind of dashed off after a while; very sorry if he startled you.

While he was annoyed with you at first, Tizane admits you sort of grew on him after the first half hour. Who you be, little clone fawn?

Tizane: ...this guy was boss...

-Kind of a big file here.-
The stag in the SS above was part of this group. Thanks a billion for hanging out with Tiz that night. xD I laughed way too hard. And Tizane felt just a smidge more manly than normal.
Tuhka's picture

Epic day

I can honestly say this has been one of the most epic days I've had on tef for a while.
Met many awesome people and had freaking fun with you all. Thank you for the laugh, Quamar wishes to meet you all soon again. xD

I has tons of screenies from this day so let me share few with you. See more on my screenie blog: X

If you see your deer in these images, please identify yourselves. >8]

Parteeh. Virgil got tired of dancing and decided to take a nap on the dance floor.

One more fawn traumatized.

People sitting on Quammycouch.

Alright, good night. <3
Thes's picture

Yesterday and Today

Laughing out loud first is Anko...

yeey~ xD

And I've been playing with Gravedance all day..You, Skeleton stag/doe? Name yourself!

And another one of my good-timing shots. xD!

And before the above, you guys, you were HILARIOUS. Grave LOVED watching and playing with you all.

Madgab's picture

Lol WTF? This is why we all love TEF :D

Don't ask lol

Let's make a deer tower!

Draak's picture

The time is nigh...

Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no deer look up at the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake...The Zombie King

Madgab's picture

So who are you? :)

Ashaki loved hanging out with you in the forest. You seemed very fond of her and she would like to know who you are Smiling

Redkora's picture

Fun with the Gang

I came across a few older friends here. Pictured (starting with the one with the doe antlers) is Walterwoman (Walter's alter-ego), Quad (the nameless deer, he's having connection trouble), myself, Laruna, and Jen.

A nudist party with (from left to right) Jen, myself, Mystress, Quad, and Laruna.

Here is Laruna, Quad, myself, Virgil, and doe I don't know. Also, the deer with his anchor pictogram enhanced was nice. Who are you?

Someone with the same Picto...?

Wow, dude! I didn't know this was even possible, but I have found someone with the same Pictogram as me! This is just freaky awesome, dudes....

Larger pic showing others in the forest: link
Ziros's picture

Little things in that forest of ours

Never before, I have seen that mask... is it something special? If yes, I might have just been lucky.

Oh no, the Me-Fawn! Even though it looks evil, it was a quite nice lil Fawn though.

I've seen many things.... but it seems more lessons must be learned. Diving deer seem very interesting.

Thank you all for giving me another great time in the forest!
(sorry for long post though)
quadraptor's picture

Anyone know how to fix this?

Alright I'm on my laptop using a public wireless network, and I was able to get into the Forest but it would not let me log in. I wanted to go hang with Laruna at the Pond but it wouldn't let me be Quad, but a nameless instead.

Anyone know how to fix this?

The stupid wireless network won't allow me to connect to the Forums, though :<

Sigh....I guess I'll be in the forest as a nameless for now. Look for a nameless dancing at the Ruins - that'll be me, and please pretend you see Quad's goofy set if you come say hi.
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