-is late posting these-
Thank you for the great time <33
More images on a comment. [because Quamar fails and doesn't know how to use the break tags]
Party 1:
Unfortunately it hadn't saved almost none of the screenies I took from the first party, including our epic zombie tower. D;
There wasn't many of us in the first party but we had fun x]
Umh, I didn't know this was even possible on tef.
But yeah, randomly there was running around someone wearing the same stuff as Aton and his Picto too.
And others could see it too. I don't know what's happening here. 8'D
If he ran to you being all social and stuff, that wasn't Aton because real Aton doesn't really go to people. I just wanted to tell you... <8D
I've been running around the forest since yesterday as this guy. a Nameless with Candles. I hope I stumped people. LOL.
Some people kept trying to get me to cast my candles... but whenever I got candles, I sneezed off the antler spell so I can't cast 'em. xD AND Nameless can't cast spells anyway.
Nor can they sneeze off antlers whenever pests cast them over their candles.. D8
skull-mask deer and dotd deer on the right
wondering who you are, especially the skull mask one, their behavior seemed a bit odd to me (well I thought it was kinda funny, but Sheen was pretty confused X3)
Had some fun with little deer, hope you didnt mind my stag following you around
Then i found you guys, matching outfits all dancing together making a rather good impression of a deer Cerberus.
Then all dancing on top of each other, eventually I got my own orange pelt, it took forever lol. Thanks for having the patience for spell casting on me.
Then two similar looking does turned up and it was like a dance off. I think we won because of numbers.