
SS, is that you!? O.O

I think your it SS, becouse... I had to follow you and you came to Quamar. he has the same set as SS, And that nameless was scratshing quamar.. And I understand now! You did wanted to say thats your set.. SS, is it you? Do you can't connect.. Please, Answer, Please!
I have to shame me deep. I would NEVER EVER attack a nameless anymore. I promise. But please answer.. SS is that you? ;____; Im sorry. I shame myself so Deep. v____v
I'm sorry. Sad

Fluffy Waarhijd and Solaya

A litle Edit of Waarhijd and Solaya ^-^
Sithrim's picture



Pride: WHAT!?

I-is it a glitch? or do he/her know my username and pasword D8
...Don't like itttt.
Edit: I think he/she knows my username and pasword.. Normal, nameless can't get the white pelt, but he/she can! ;________;
OokamiAzura's picture

Take your P I C K...

Take mine A F T E R.

Kaoori look-alike?

This is from a couple of days ago. I forgot to post it.
I'm curious about this deer. It's a good thing Kaoori had to wear the peacock pelt, or else this would have been even more confusing!
The look-alike seemed a bit shy/skittish, though. I hope we didn't bother her(?) too much with our curiosity.

Litle Icon ^^

For Phelim 73 x 93px

Who want? =3

Lol, ghost? XD

So.... I was playing with my nameless doe when this ghost pops up. o.o Anyone seen something like this before? Is it a glitch?

Also... Who is that stag with the circled picto? My nameless doe seemed quite fond of him. ^^ Yet another friend. 8D
LighttheSky's picture

Adding to the Owl Perch | Screenies for the fun of it <3

If you've played with Hoot lately (picto may show up in game missing the V shaped 'beak') you might be in here! *lol* <3 Not necessarily a comp killer, but a few pics involved.... click at your own risk.


"Ahhh, I love playing in the pond and I love water!"
Thats Waarhijd and Phelim's son,his set.. I did make a Edit of Pride with that set. lol xD
Waarhijd and Phelim's son, still not born.
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