
Apeldille's picture

Sleep, little ones...

...At night dreams and fireflies comes out to play hide and seek among black trees.

(Robin, Bii(?), Syon, Ephiré)

eyestrain's picture

the moon is in her eyes

Some see the body as a cage

others see it as a vessel
a battery
a glass bowl filled with water
in which a flickering, golden fish swims

a container for all the limitless
and love
enabled to exist within.

SilverBells's picture

Croissant, anyone?

My Atticus in his non-deer form. ♥ People seemed to like the fact he was a chef so I decided to post him in his cooking attire. x) Oh, and don't worry, he keeps those lovely locks tied back when he's cooking. xD He comes from a long line of bakers that have been serving the royal family for generations. He's Silver's mate. (Girl in my icon, her non-deer form... Or, basically... Me. lol)

Just thought I'd mention-Fun fact- He's pretty tall. The average man would be about the height of his shoulders. C:

Enjoy the croissants!

nikkicolts's picture

Blue Bird

This was so freaking fun to draw! This is Blue Bird, for SilverBells Smiling I hope you like it Silver! <3
Blender's picture

Meet Blender!

This is one of my best drawings,(and my first upload) so I hope you like it. I know I should have fixed the background but that would have taken longer, and it took me nearly an hour just to make this so it'll have to do!
Blender is a young spirited deer.Her pelt looks somewhat like a peacock,and she's very sweet(she can be a little shy at first too) and loves to be around fawns.
tinkee's picture


Apeldille's picture

Little Shiny

Apeldille-deer... but it seems like this design might get a life of its own.

A new character, perhaps? It likes shiny things (I think it collects them), is quite playful and fiery, perhaps as big as a red deer, maybe a little smaller. Not a fighter but certainly not unable to defend itself -- you see those hands? They're hard and sharp like metal.

It seems to be some kind of goat-like creature, agile and sure-footed. Maybe I will find out more later.

Marie for Bayleen!

I had so much fun making this c: Especially trying a mostly line-less approach since I hate my lines with a passion.

Fail rococo frame, yayyyyyyy!

I honestly can't tell if the contrast is really sucky on this; my laptop screen is always tilted at crazy angles so it's nearly impossible to tell what it looks like for others. If it's too hard to see, I'll be happy to fix it up in a jiffy c:
SilverBells's picture


The lovely Echo for Nikki.colts. (: Sooo... This is my idea on what the magpie feather antlers, real deer mask, and long grey pelt would look like together more realisticly. x3

And is it just me or are the sound clips weird lately? They're not showing the play button they're showing the expand screen arrow thing-a-ma-jig. lol That's why I've got the music bar all long ways. xD
Redkora's picture

Daemon - Walter

(Cue music.)

This is Walter/Demon, a malevolent spirit borne of the smoke from a fell offering.

In the old days of the Forest, Walter/Demon was a stag not to be trifled with. Other deer angered him at their own peril, and most stags lost to him in bloody battles.

Verdalas, I hope I did your Walter justice. I love you (and him), really.

A request.

Edit: Also, if anyone has a reference for Ryff's Facade, I would be grateful. <3
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