
Elegance of the butterfly

Waarhijd, this time without her antenne's and some other kind of tail.. I like it though. <3
Mr.Sanguine's picture


The oceans widen
With all your silence
Leaves the daydreams behind
Childish fantasies unwind

Just a scribble, hn...

Fare Thee Well...

Hello! This is my second day on the site. x3 I'm loving it so far, trying to get the hang of deer speak.

Poem by Robert Burns
Bayleen's picture

mini Fanarts

See the picture under the cut~!!! c:
OkamiLugia's picture

Happy birthday, Hrae :3

My fail coloring below cut, but it wouldn't look like her otherwise xD
Mr.Sanguine's picture


What are you thankful for?
Even if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, sometimes it's nice to just pause and think about what you have and how much you appreciate having it

If there comes a time when you have lost your way
If ever you find tears upon your face
I will be there, always be there for you
Kami-Kirin's picture

...behind blue eyes...

Here's my latest drawing (I'll use it for my signature). Another fawn, yet a bit more realistic than the previous one ^_^ (I hope so).
Dunno why am I so obsessed with fawns this days XD maybe 'cause my time as a fawn in the forest is running out... The thought of it makes me a bit sad. On the other hand, I'd be happy to customize my most played deers according to their personality and create bios for them Redface at last!

Two words about the drawing title:
"behind blue eyes" means that behind the looks of an average fawn there hides a unique personality which can only be reflected through his/her appearance once a fawn reaches his/her adulthood.
Of course one can tell that personality can be seen through fawns' behavior but... I believe fawns would not be fawns if they were not playing spell games or mooing loudly in a sleeping deer's ear or galloping fast around the forest all the time XD. After all childhood is the funniest and happiest time of our lives ^_^.

Mr.Sanguine's picture

Drive them into the sea

Sighthoundlady's picture

The Fallen

Done for this.

Really rushed, so sorry but wanted to draw something for the event ^^
midnight's picture

midnight :3

this artwork was done with ms paint my program(paint tool Sai) is glitching out and i used this instead so... yeah enjoy and praise her Smiling
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