This is the concept I have for Yngve.
I just need to spruce it up and get better at drawing deer. He is a deer, even though his face resembles a goat. ;; I am just bad at drawing deer. Plus he needs his antlers drawn and those are hard too.
Sorry for the crap quality. I am currently without a scanner so I can only take pictures with my phone to get my sketches onto the computer. ;;
I cannot comment ;; it keeps giving me an error. So all my comments will be posted on this here post, bellow. D:
@Flyleaf: Thank you.
I will keep on practicing. And I'll soon have it down. xD
@ChainArt : Thank you.
I was going for gallant and proud, and I'm glad it came across as that. x3
@viktes : Oh my. x3 Great minds think a like? idk.
Thank you viktes. I am very proud of his design.