Posting my ideas again... and trying not to annoy anyone with these.
I've told about this idea somewhere before but i don't remember where... maybe in the Shady Grove, i dunno xD
Anyways, i think it would be cool to have this one big white carp in the pond and it's all white and blind and old, like it was the first carp in the Pond. :>
Myeah, that was it. lol. I'm not really familiar with drawing fish or water so um... sorry. I added a huge amounts of texture in attempt to make it look better but.... i Failed.
Oh, and i'm drawing these fast things again because i'm extreeeeemely bored at the moment but still too lazy to do anything too big. And there's like no one it the forest... -_-
Photoshop CS3 || 20-35 min. lololol