Hey, I know the community site isn't for ego-pictures, but I kin of wan't to know what you y'all think of my new hairstyle. As selfish as it may sound, since I recently got my heart broken, I have to do something for my self, walking aroun just being epressed won't o me any good, so I decided to refresh my self, so I went out an got myself a new pare of shoes, and some new clothes, and gave my hair some renewing (cut it myself.), I really don't care if people think this is selfish and ego of me, sometimes you simply have to put your self first, an do something for yourself.
Sorry, I wasn't going to edit it, but I just had to a the soft effect, other than that, not edited.
An hey, one more thing, I really do appreciate people being so kind to me, when I nee it<3 (: