This was just the only one I had of all three of them, but I don't want to push the arts down XD So yep! Zorai and Solace got send to their owners today, so Auge's all alone now.
Auge's the black, grinning one at the top. Below her is Solace, and in front there's Zorai. Their sets:
Auge: DotD mask, peacock antlers, DotD pelt
Solace: Secretary bird mask, Fan antlers, Zombie pelt (Without markings. With markings in next pictures!)
Zorai: Hands mask(But, she's a blonde!), Butterfly antlers, Kabuki pelt
I do think the Kabuki pelt is too pink XD So I got a broken-white colour for that. I'm pretty limited in colour. Pink looks cute too though! My next project is a Chism. But for now, here are more pictures!: