I'm curious if there's anyone online that would be nice enough to help me get a new set. I'm not changing Toxic but I'm wanting to see how this set I have pictured looks like on an Adult (It's for a new Doe design that I'm not sure if I'll play her or not)
Antlers would be the Magpie Feather ones
Pelt would be the DoTD Skeletal/Black/Bright Green Pelt (With white lips XP)
and the Mask would be...
#8 Rather the first one of the 2nd row.
Toxic will be at the pond if anyone wishes to help. I just want to see what it looks like *nods*
@@ Sorry to whoever was helping previously! Toxic is coming back online shortly because my computer just did a random restart. I hope it didn't mess anything up D=
Edit 2: Toxic is currently at the Crying Eyes area, so if the deer who was helping earlier is there please feel free to continue. Once again I am terribly sorry for the sudden poof D= I really would like to see this set @@
Edit 3: Got the Magpie Antlers and the Mask now all I need is the DoTD Pelt
Thanks Reginaud for the help Toxic appreciates it ^^
Edit 4: Sadly, I have to go offline for a couple hours. At least a couple hours anyway, morning calls and it's Sunday and I must go help my mom.
Also I would like to know who the Kirin Pelted, Peacock antlered deer is. I think Toxic's growing to like you
Edit 5: Online Now! But it's 6am and I really need to get to bed, if I can't get it this morning I'll likely get it later on tonight. Sleep is driving me to bed right now @@
Maybe later on tomorrow I'll play on either Iviran or Claudia... maybe Iviran... he's hawt... and uber uber awesome.