
Sithrim's picture


here is 'Bicho'. Not a character but I went through all the process calling it like that.
It basically means 'critter' in portuguese.
Amazegenalo's picture


Aranyani's picture

The Astral Demon

The young demon, trapted in the place where he's not belong.

Anatomy? Perspective? WTF is that.

Have no idea what to do with him.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Herla Pencil Sketch [Edit: colored]

Yup, time for bored work sketches. Really awful as usual, thus under the cut...
xxKitRosalin's picture

Terro The Protector

~Picture below~
ickydog's picture

Kobal Sauce

Below cut . . .
xxKitRosalin's picture

Not So Different After All

~A glimpse at a younger Terro.~ *picture below*
StalkerDino's picture

River and Zyzzy

A request for Spoilers, depicting River and the Doctor, running as always
I hope I got this right.

other requests can be made here if you are interested

The original/largest version can be found here: .o0O0o.
ickydog's picture

Whitetail for FaunGrae

Below cut Smiling
xxKitRosalin's picture

Fateful Meeting

This is how I pictured the meeting between Xair (property of Zarinthya) and my own Terro would have unfolded.
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