The Story of Ialu Part 3: His Dream Came True

Please click the title to see the whole story. The whole night, Ialu dreamt of the butterflies wings. The 2 fawns on the wings came to life. The 1st fawn was lying down, with the 2nd fawn nudging the 1st fawn's back. The 1st fawn got up and walked with the 2nd. Then the 2nd ran. The 1st fawn ran after him... but could not keep up and stumbled down onto the ground. Then, a triangle appeared onto the ground in front of the 1st fawn. The fawn turned his head to where the triangle was pointing. The fawns' small eyes widened, as he starred at 2 giant rectangualar shapes on a hill, with a circle of floweres around it.
Ialu woke up from the feeling of rain dropping onto his black-fur back. All these pictures he saw in his dream raced through his mind with questions following them. Why did the 2nd fawn run away, leaving the 1st fawn falling onto the ground? What are those rectangles? Ialu got up from the flowerbed he was sleeping in. He started to walk in the rain. Ialu loved when it rained. It is always so quiet and peaceful. Ialu started to look down, past his white chest, onto the ground. "Maybe I will see a triangle appear somewhere." He looked and looked for a long time. He was just about to give up when suddenly a squirl darted from underneath his legs and raced in front of him. Ialu ran after it but could not keep up. He stopped to catch his breathe, but when he looked up, his eyes widened, and he held his breathe. In front of Ialu, were two white statues in the shape of rectangles, with a circle of multi-colored flowers going around them. Ialu's dream... had came true.

-End of part 3