you also look a lot like me but I wasn't gonna mention that XD;
___________________________________________________________________ Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Ovavu~
Current obsession:
O.o you look just like a taller version of one of my irl friends.
I'm a bit weird, but so is everyone else in the world, thus weird is normal and normal is weird. This in mind, I'm actually a little normal, and anyone who is completely normal might really be a serial killer. <- My logic. True self quote.
D8 NO. MY GLOVES. *poof
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
You know...You look a lot
8o Really. That's
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
You look... eerily like I imagined you. o.o
you also look a lot like me but I wasn't gonna mention that XD;
Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Ovavu~
Current obsession:
<-*don't know how else to
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
O.o you look just like a
I'm a bit weird, but so is everyone else in the world, thus weird is normal and normal is weird. This in mind, I'm actually a little normal, and anyone who is completely normal might really be a serial killer. <- My logic. True self quote.
O.o More people I look like?
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography