It takes some one brave to make some thing like this, im glad
to see that u can share what u have inside.
__________________________________________ Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world and to fix the wrongs beening done in this dying world dont try to tame me, its pointless.
-high-fives- We've the brave ones. c: And math... my worst subject in the world as well x3 -pokes own shout-it-out- and ADHD, I have the inatentive kind. c:
lol, I was thinking of making asecond one of these.. I have a lot to vent. XD
And, OMG another person who knows the ADHD types! =O
*returns high five*
I have the overattenive/rabbit type ADHD. |D
It's not my body that's active hyperly usually... (though I have RLS) but my MIND is uber focused on everything. Noise is annoying. X'D (and I hate changing tasks...)
I'm a bit weird, but so is everyone else in the world, thus weird is normal and normal is weird. This in mind, I'm actually a little normal, and anyone who is completely normal might really be a serial killer. <- My logic. True self quote.
It takes some one brave to
to see that u can share what u have inside.
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dont try to tame me, its pointless.
-high-fives- We've the
Hugs and kisses,
lol, I was thinking of
And, OMG another person who knows the ADHD types! =O
*returns high five*
I have the overattenive/rabbit type ADHD. |D
It's not my body that's active hyperly usually... (though I have RLS) but my MIND is uber focused on everything. Noise is annoying. X'D (and I hate changing tasks...)
I'm a bit weird, but so is everyone else in the world, thus weird is normal and normal is weird. This in mind, I'm actually a little normal, and anyone who is completely normal might really be a serial killer. <- My logic. True self quote.