.:Shimmy Made a T-Shirt:.


So...I created and designed this sort of TEF shirt thing. I wanted something plain, to-the-point, and with a soft look to it. I finally got it in the mail today, so...have some pictures. 8]

Modeled on this fawn plush I put out for Christmas. 8] Just for the lulz. It has a mask~! 8D
Verycrazygirl's picture

Haha, that's awesome!

Haha, that's awesome! xDDDD

Ziros's picture

Wow... that must've takin

Wow... that must've takin forever to do... I adore it
*Ziros Bio*
*Ziros Bio*
Seele's picture

That looks really awesome XD

That looks really awesome XD I especially like how you drew those aantlers~! Really unique. I also think you really achieved what you were lookin for.

--Stays a lonely Seele

trigger_mortis's picture



how did you make that? Those

how did you make that?
Those are some pretty awesome antlers. o-o

main deer: Amary, Melinoe, Sheen