Sculpey Leaf Pendant

Redkora's picture
This is my first attempt with sculpey clay. It was much easier to use than the other stuff I used for the 'shroom.

I am seriously considering practicing and making more, perhaps even making some things for other players to raise funds for Tale of Tales as part of Project Greenleaf. I'm just somewhat paranoid about giving my bank account information to a website like PayPal, even though everyone seems to think it's safe. :tinfoilhat: Maybe Etsy is better? Hurm.

Anyway, enjoy, and let me know if you may be interested in something. I'm making more tomorrow and I'll post pictures of those when I finish them. Smiling
Hubalaboo's picture

This is really cute. Same

This is really cute. Smiling Same with the mushroom.
You could make, like, mushrooms and leaves with pictograms carved on the top or something! Laughing out loud Heh, random idea, sorry.
I use this thing called Fimo... it's basically sculpey clay that you bake in the oven. Turns into a plastic-y material. It smells a bit but it's nice to work with.
Redkora's picture

Thank you for your comment!

Thank you for your comment! I was thinking the same idea. I'm glad someone else thinks it's a good idea. Smiling

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