
Name: Ruadhan
Gender: Male/Stag
Species: Forest-norm
Age: Prime
Scent: Incense, rotten meat, burnt fur
Size: #10
Theme Song:
Voice: Raspy singsong
Speech: #3a564f
Set: Space Beluga pelt/Magpie mask/Key antler

Physical: 87%, A tad underweight
Mental: 63%, A little off his rocker though he doesn't see anything wrong with it.
Emotional: 94%, Steady.

Appearance: A little underweight due to the fact he doesn't eat on a regular schedule, though not by much. Ruadhan is a bit larger then a normal stag by a few inches. His fur is slightly patchy and raggedy.
Simple Personality: Odd, Devious, Vain, Lucky, Creepy
It would be an understatement to say that Ruadhan is a creep. He will stalk anyone he finds interesting. If he sees a pregnant doe, for example, he stalks them until they miscarriage out of stress or until he manages to kill the unborn fawn with magic. An unborn fawn is a damn good ingredient; transforming spells and illusion potions.

Despite these acts, he still has, well had, friends. If someone is a magic deer like him, he'll stick to them. No really he literally sticks to them. Always breaks the personal-space boundary.

If he's not working or gather ingredients, Ruadhan his probably preening himself. Just because he is a off his rocker potioneer doesn't mean he can't look fine while doing it. Ruady uses his good looks to wedge his way closer to other deer, whenever they are for ingredients or whatever.

Magic/Powers: Very very well honed. Goes far beyond changing pelts and antlers; to the point of curses and summoning.
Ruadhan was born to a very small herd, only containing his mother and father. He was born before his twin brother, causing complications. Both his mother and brother died. His father, Malik, was cold against him and didn't bother much with his son. The fawn didn't mind calling his father 'sir' at all.

By the time he was a yearling, Ruadhan knew all he needed to know. The Forest has no predators; perfectly safe. That gave Malik no guilt as he abandoned his son too early. Lost and afraid, the yearling managed to get back to where he was born. There laid the raven-cleaned bones of Delilah and his unnamed still born brother.

Not knowing what to do he stayed nearby them. Only venturing away to go to a berry bush or a water puddle, he grew weak. A herd found him eventually, watching over him for another year. Ruadhan traveled with them until he was three. By then he had met a doe, called Kai, who knew much more Forest Magic then the usual antlers & masks changing.

She taught him everything he knows today; how to create elaborate potions, how to find and harvest strange ingredients. The doe also transformed him from a normal pelted buck, into a horribly beautiful beast. They went back to Delilah to gather the bones for ingredient use. Ruadhan saw nothing wrong of this. Soon enough Kai passed away, leaving him alone.

Since he didn't know anything but the magical lifestyle Kai had taught him, he continued to work on potions. The ingredient stores ran out soon. Needing more ingredients to work his magic; he left the comfort of his little home.

Plant materials were simple enough to find, but others were much more complicated. He took a chunk of stone from the totems and idols around The Forest. As he was caring back his harvest, a group of three fawns crossed him. Such pure blood and bones would be very powerful ingredients. It was easy enough to lure them back to his home. A well aimed kick of his hooves guaranteed his success.

Every time Ruadhan had to gather ingredients, he always found fawns and weak deer running around. It was simple enough to lure them away and kill them for ingredient use. He saw nothing wrong of it.

Family: Delilah (Deceased, mother), Malik (Fate unknown, father), Unnamed (Deceased, brother), Kai (Deceased, Considered family)
Friends: None
Mates: None
Fawns: None

This character is 100% in character, his actions and whatever he does is his own, not the player's (mine).