Jeremy clenched his fist. " I know jake does..sure enough.. " He murmered, looking away from her. " Why is that kid so relentless? Why won't he just give you up? " He asked, glancing at her.
shima fell to the floor hurt bcause he hadn't corrected her said yes they werr bf and gf but he hoped for something else she put a hand over her mouth to hold the sobs she ran to the waterfall
Jerem picked himself up and wiped away the tears. He held the box in his hand. He crushed it into peices, and it crumbled to the ground. The ring fell from the box and rolled into the grass. Jeremy ran off into the forest deeper.
Jeremy stopped, to see shima crying. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He started to shiver, and his blood boiled one hundred degrees and more. All in that moment, jeremy glitched somehow, into wolf form. He ran out from the trees, towards shima and jake. He couldnt beleive it. How would he transform to a wolf like that?!
Jeremy she said astounded Jake stood in front of her he didnt correct you did he asked her hes using you he wants what he can get from you but he doesnt want a future ith you jake said to shima
Jeremy was waiting for her,
"Sorry"she said with an
Jeremy frowned, smelling jake
She rubbed her forhead with
" What did you do? Swim the
For the past three days Ive
His eyes flickered to her. "
His name is Brady she said
He grinned. " Great...another
Jeremy they think of me as
" i hope not.. " He murmered.
Jeremy the only one who
Jeremy clenched his fist. " I
He says im worth the fight he
Jeremy frowned. " You
I'm just your girlfriend she
Jeremy looked at her
shima fell to the floor hurt
Jeremy collapsed on a log,
Shima was crying so hard it
Jerem picked himself up and
Jake ran past him and right
Jeremy stopped, to see shima
Jeremy she said astounded
Jeremy roared at jake,
Jake transformed in midair
Jeremy moved away from shima,
Jeremy stop please she begged
Jeremy pounced on jake,
Jake thrw him of and went
Jeremy shook his head
Change shima whispered to him
Jeremy changed, and faced
Are you still vampire he
" I dont i
Shima went besode but are you
Shima went besode but are you still a vampire
Jeremy blinked his eyes, they
Your back to normal she said
Jeremy was staring at them. "
She chuckled at that yes jake
Jeremy sighed, and
Jake went to shima and french
Jeremy grunted at the kiss,
She opened her violet eyes
Jeremy frowned, remembering
Jake repeated his words about
Jeremy tried to sniff it out,
Jake she said Shima he
Jeremy found the ring
AWww ahaha XD
No she confessed he didnt
Hes an idiot be mine he said