"I seem to have left something behind..."

OokamiAzura's picture
Warning; disturbing imagery ahead. You have been warned. Even though warnings get you absolu-freaking-lutely nowhere.

Believe or not, this is NOT vent-art. It was inspired by the heartbeat noises in The Path's Forest Theme.
SentrySeb's picture

What is it? It looks..

What is it? It looks.. deadly, but really sad. :'(

OokamiAzura's picture

Well, I was listening to the

Well, I was listening to the Forest Theme from The Path, and whenever I heard the heartbeats, I kept thinking of Lacie crawling out of an abyss, yet her heart is still in its depths.

I swear this isn't vent-art; just a morbid thing my mind conjured up 8D

Quote:Well, I was listening

Well, I was listening to the Forest Theme from The Path, and whenever I heard the heartbeats, I kept thinking of Lacie crawling out of an abyss, yet her heart is still in its depths.

That seemed really poetic to me, somehow.
This is beautiful. (:
OokamiAzura's picture

Thank you....&hearts

Thank you....&hearts