meh best fight yet : D
(Quetzalcoatlus stick by me
other sticks i did not make)
Battle Logic for Dummies
A mother Carnotaurus enjoys her meal while her baby (who is old enough to fight) sits and rests sundly a big noise from above comes a Female Quetzalcoatlus over head sees the Carno and the carcass it dives and bites the Carno on the neck it hears a noise and turns to see baby carno it grabs its foot and is about throw it when Male Quet comes along and is about to attack the baby carno however baby carno gets tired of being in the air and stabs the female Quet in the lower jam mean while the Quets daughter comes along and bites female carno on the back the female carno wounds wing and then kicks it in throut killing it mean while the baby carno then jumps on top of Female quet and stabs her on top cutting deeply enough to kill her baby carno clings to her dead body as she falls when her body is on ground baby carno jumps off and roars in victory while mother carno leans down to bite the carcass of the kill. The end.
Do YOU playing primal
no XD by law i bet i'm to