Playing with a Scribbler program

Lyeekha's picture

Tried to get a thistle in there, but the Scribbler thought that, as thistles are spikyfluffysharpthings, it need a BIIIIIG SCRIBBBBLLLEEE all over it lul.


I love the way it makes it look like everyone just ran through a cobweb! ^^

lol, those are awesome,

lol, those are awesome, rly....

Why does a rose represends love, if a rose always dies

Those are made of win |DD

Those are made of win |DD <333

-- Dannii <3

Lyeekha's picture

If you want one, just say,

If you want one, just say, they only take a second. It's just a doodle that the Scribbler makes cool. XD

|D I wouldnt mind having one

|D I wouldnt mind having one <333

|D You can choose any deer of mine.


-- Dannii <3

purusha's picture

neat drawings! like the

neat drawings! like the second one especially. the scribble cobwebs are a really neat effect.

Oh gosh I love this so much!

Oh gosh I love this so much! Thank you!!

Proud Founder of The Lightbringers
Draak's picture

8D YAY! hehe they still

8D YAY! Laughing out loud

hehe they still look really cool Laughing out loud

Where'd you find the program?