The wicked and sentimental - Erebus

Pandoris's picture


"That's how it's done."
Notes :: updated rut information


Wandered around in the forest sizing up some males for shits n giggles, impressed some ladies with his antler ramming (into trees) before heading to the pond and seeing Umay. Noticed the lioness was accompanied with another male (Raya?), he seemed harmless, relaxed, greeted and rested down before company arrived (irl)

Name : 'Erebus' NaziKnife
Title : 'Greek God of Darkness' 'Black Light'
Sex : Male | Buck ♂
Mate : X {unlikely}
Offspring : X {unlikely}
Orientation : Heterosexual.
Species : Satanic {curse}, Roosevelt Elk, Dire wolf.
Size : 10ft from hoof to shoulder, 1,900 lbs.
Set : Orca pelt, red pelt, zombie antlers, skull mask
Scent : Strong scent of cigar smoke, musk, and whiskey. Slight scent of pine and leather.
Diet : Carnivorous, Cannibalistic
Age : Mature adult.
Voice : Riddick
Roar : x
Content : x
Warning : x
Sleeping : x

i ˙ ii ˙iii ˙ iv ˙ v




Track~ Also I got a new


Also I got a new page. YAY
Pandoris's picture

thank you B) lol ey

thank you B)

lol ey

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥
Pandoris's picture

(FINALLY) "It's different"


"It's different" he said distantly, with a tinge of anger and guilt in his voice. He sighed as the doe attempted to comfort him, there was no way that he could forget or even be comforted from what he had done. He glanced at her casually, shaking his head as if she'd done wrong. Even though Nika hadn't done anything terrible, she did bring up foul memories which made him feel a sliver of anger toward her, however he remained in the dark doe's company, he was intrigued by her beauty and delicate yet warrior-like nature.

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

Nika sighed and stared out

Nika sighed and stared out into the darkness. "Perhaps," she said, her breath floating into the air in a wispy cloud, "Unless, you are only saying that because you have tried to find a cure?" She adjusted her body, getting herself more comfortable.
Pandoris's picture

Erebus snapped his skull in

Erebus snapped his skull in her direction and released a low rumbling growl within his throat, "Have tried!?" he snarled, "I've been working my ass off to find this so called 'cure' or ticket out of this hell hole!" he barked with anger toward her, his fur standing on end and his yellowish eyes were plastered on he elegant features.

As soon as it happened, Erebus felt regret grow within him, she didn't deserved to be yelled at. But he kept his jaws shut, and his lupine face stuck forward, not daring to make any sort of eye contact.

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

OOC: Psst, she said "...have

OOC: Psst, she said "...have tried..." xD!
Pandoris's picture

I know I meant have tried*

I know I meant have tried*
He has a crazy temper that's why he's loosing it so easily XD

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥



The saint's ears pressed against her head as he yelled at her, waiting until he stopped to lift them back up. She stared into the darkness for a short while, her breath floating into the air in delicate wisps.

"Perhaps you are not meant to leave," she said, "You having a curse and being sent here is perhaps a message, or repentance. I believe I am here to repent for my past sins, and sometimes I feel this place is a prison, but I always remember to be grateful for what I do have here: food, water, safety, and friends, and that I am able to repent to the fullest with what I was given to do so."
Pandoris's picture

(LOL NO PROB) He nodded


He nodded within her words, "It's a punishment. I am an evil man." he admitted his eyes softening slightly as he met hers again, "I was in the army." he continued, feeling his inner self showing and he didn't attempt to bury it beneath hatred or a stone cold heart, "I saw.. and heard so much, so much blood and death. I lost my brother in that war." he choked, "When I came home to my daughter and wife. I couldn't sleep. I had nightmares and I was suffering. I went through depression and couldn't even get myself out of bed, I lost weight and my affection toward my family. The only thing that seemed to heal me was alcohol." he continued, "I became an alcoholic and... my family, I hurt them." he had now released a tear down his cheek and placed his muzzle against his foreleg where he attempted to hide his sadness.

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

The saint listened quietly,

The saint listened quietly, her hazel eyes searching his sad ones. She had seen this before were soldiers and knights could not find a way to cope with the death and horrors of war. She had found a way to cope and release those emotions without hurting herself or anyone around her.

She watched the tear slide down his cheek as he spoke, and when he lowered his head, she brought hers down to rub her cheek against his.

"I am sorry for your loss," Nika said, "And I understand how you feel and how war changes people. I have seen men just like you, but unlike them, you have a second chance to make it right."
Pandoris's picture

He released a soft, rather

He released a soft, rather loud grumble within his chest as her cheek rubbed against his. It even brought a small smile over his lips.

"I wonder what they're doing now.." he said, his gaze boring deep into the dense brush of fluffy pines. He chuckled dryly at her last remark, his yellow eyes returning to her lovely hazel ones. "A second chance." he repeated. "I wouldn't call a second chance being trapped in this unknown place with no one. The nightmares still haunting you. And the fact that you will never see your family again." he stated, his eyes removing from hers.

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

It's been real pleasant

It's been real pleasant meeting this guy. ♥
Pandoris's picture

likewise for Umay.

likewise for Umay. ♥
Maybe we could RP them, if you'd like BV

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

'course, I was considering

'course, I was considering trying for one tonight but a couple of things came up, so. :c but I'd definitely enjoy roleplaying these two.
TreeDancer's picture

She's my doe Athena who is

She's my doe Athena who is meeting him just now in the flowers (who is the Goddess Athena though she is unaware of this and may always be unaware..but thought the similarity was funny haha)
Pandoris's picture

Saph: Not a problem CB Just

Saph: Not a problem CB Just send me an e-mail or write up a starter on here whenever you're free B) (Skype doesn't show my messages so I can't RP there lolol)

Tree: Such a pretty girl ♥ and that's awesome! They kinda have somethin in common cx

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥
TreeDancer's picture

Lol thanks XD and if you want

Lol thanks XD and if you want to rp them ever feel free to toss one at me ^^
Pandoris's picture

Sure B) I might write up a

Sure B) I might write up a starter on Athena's bio? If that's okay?

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥
TreeDancer's picture

Of course

Of course Smiling

Thanks for the note on our

Thanks for the note on our bio--this guy seems like lots of fun. Antisocial or not. :)
Pandoris's picture

oh thankyou ♥ He's

oh thankyou ♥ He's quite fun to play B)

Pixel by Shadowfly ♥

OOC: Omg, I'm so sorry! I

OOC: Omg, I'm so sorry! I forgot to respond to this! ;; I'll respond to this soon!

"I bet they are happy," Nika

"I bet they are happy," Nika said, removing her cheek from his and looking up at the nighttime sky. Her eyes looked back at him, "Well, while you may not think it is a second chance, it could be, and you should make the most of what you have here and be grateful for it. You could have gone to Hell, but instead you came here. Does that not sound like a second chance?"