iCSS Productions [Free CSS Templates]

Ireth's picture


January 1, 2013

Finished up a new template for y'all. Only have the advanced code up for now because it takes forever to add in those comments telling people where to put text, haha. It'll be up eventually though, probably in the next day or two. But yay for more templates...! CSS commissions will also likely be reopening soon as well, email me if anyone is interested.

December 31, 2012

And it's up and running! Only one layout so far, but I may be meddling with another basic one because I need to get back into the swing of CSS things! May even open up commissions again at some point. I've got a whole month of break before school starts up again and some free time to kill. Yay for free time. : D

December 30, 2012

Finally getting my rear in gear and getting this thing up! The first premade layout should be live in a day or less!

August 7, 2012

Working on the layout and whatnot. This thang is under construction!


Hello there! Looks like you've stumbled across Ireth's CSS Productions! This is just a little place where Ireth dabbles with random layouts and gives y'all the codes for free because she loves you. :B

Mr. Peanut

That little squirrelgriff you see at the top of the page is Mr. Peanut, the mascot of iCSS Productions. He may or may not take over this page at times...

Terms of Use
There are a few things you have to agree to / read before using these templates. Please abide by these simple rules and everything should run smoothly!
  • Feel free to edit the code if you'd like to change colours and whatnot, but please be aware that the layout may break
  • Please leave the link back to this blog if you choose to use a template (even if you change some colours) so that others can share in the CSS love — if you would like to use an alternate button peruse here
  • You may use snippets of code to build your own layout, any credit given to this blog would be much appreciated ^^
  • Please do not replicate any content on this CSS blog and claim as yours or redistribute it in any way
  • I will try to give template users a helping hand should they need it, but I unfortunately probably won't have time to get to everybody
  • If you'd like to use the content off the TEF community site, please shoot an email my way first!
  • Lastly, enjoy and beautify up those profiles, I command thee! :B

For further questions or comments,
Ireth can be reached at [e-mail or MSN]

V browse below for the templates! V

To use these buttons, copy and paste the code provided and replace the signature code that links back to this page at the bottom of your layout.

Overlapping Boxes
Live preview: Teal/Orange
Complexity: 2/5 [relatively easy to edit/recolour]
Created: August 6, 2012

Beginner Code
Use this code if you want guidance as to where to insert text in the actual coding. Includes a lot of extra spacing and invisible comments that will guide you along. Copy and paste the entire chunk of code into your blog. Be sure to 'split' your post and enter this in the bottom box, along with selecting "BBCode" under the input format options.
Click for code

Advanced Code
Only use this code if you have experience with code. There are no extraneous comments marking where to place text, it is assumed that you as a user can figure it out. This template is mostly for those who want a 'cleaner' version to edit if you prefer different colours, boxes, etc. Copy and paste this entire chunk of code into your blog. Be sure to 'split' your post and enter this in the bottom box, along with selecting "BBCode" under the input format options.
Click for code

Basic Hovers
Live preview: Tan/Blue
Complexity: 4/5 [somewhat difficult to edit/recolour]
Created: January 1, 2013

Advanced Code
Only use this code if you have experience with code. There are no extraneous comments marking where to place text, it is assumed that you as a user can figure it out. This template is mostly for those who want a 'cleaner' version to edit if you prefer different colours, boxes, etc. Copy and paste this entire chunk of code into your blog. Be sure to 'split' your post and enter this in the bottom box, along with selecting "BBCode" under the input format options.
***Also remember to change the hover links to your own blog's, or else your hover links will direct back to the live preview!!
Click for code

.: This was so

.: This was so helpful...cannot thank you enough for making this.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
RosenQuarz's picture

Thank you so much for this!

Thank you so much for this! <3
FairyClock's picture

Tracks:. For future

For future endeavors. lol

wow! thank you very much

wow! thank you very much
Ailasti's picture

I'm having the exact problem.

I'm having the exact problem.
/Icon made by: The wonderful Kagai\
ima_eat_u_beware's picture

Anyone know how to change the

Anyone know how to change the color of the boxes in template 1 (Teal and Orange)? I have been trying to figure it out, but I can't seem to find the correct code to do so and I don't want to make a mistake by messing with it.
Xemi's picture

@ima_eat_u_beware: I don't

@ima_eat_u_beware: I don't know how to find it exactly, but I have something you could try? c:

Take a screenshot of the box you want to change the colour in and paste it into an art program like photoshop or SAI. Then use the eyedropper to get the colour of the box (in this case, teal, and orange). Then when you open up the colour palette with that colour selected, you should be able to find the hex code. Copy it, then take it into your browser on the coding page and use ctrl-F to find it. All you have to do is paste the hex code into the search box and it should locate anything in your code that corresponds to that colour so that you can correctly replace it with the colour of your choice ^^

I hope that's useful to you! It's how I do all of my CSS (makes life so much easier) since I'm not very good at reading code myself. I hope it helps, it's handy for any CSS, especially if you're using premade templates. Best of luck to you!



Thank you! Just used one of

Thank you! Just used one of you templates for my newest character.
"Each affect the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one" - Mitch Albom

Pixel made by Draak

takayama's picture


ShikaTale's picture

Bump, lol

Bump, lol
tigerart27's picture


IchigoNyan's picture

The code for the second one

The code for the second one seems no longer online? ;c
Vanilliana's picture

Yes, bumping this. The links

Yes, bumping this. The links for the codes don't work .n.
TreeDancer's picture

code is missing ;3;

code is missing ;3;