Please don't comment! You can look but don't comment!

BluedeerLegend18's picture
Okay, I'm going to bed soon but here is the summary of the character:

He/she enters the forest as the fawn. He/she has no past, no parents, but is about to make his/her mark in the forest. He/she is immortal, but he/she has an unique way of aging:

The number of replies of this bio is his/her age.


So, if someone replies to this bio and is the first comment, he/she becomes one year old. Then if there is a second reply, he/she becomes two years old, and if this bio ever gets 100 replies, then he/she will become 100 years old.

Weird, but I like weird characters.

Don't comment right now, I'm still in the process of this bio and I want to start him/her out as young as he/she can be, so please, just track this in your imagination.

But once I get him/her started, you can post replies on here to ask questions, say something about the character, or just post to make him/her older. Please don't double post, I would usually allow that but because this is an unique character and I want to make this fun, just wait a few comments unless you have something really important to say.

With roleplaying posts- I don't want to put them here on the bio, so I'm going to make a separate roleplay blog.

And also- If I'm online, I don't want to age right in the middle of the game, so please don't post if it says online in the title! I won't get super mad if you do, but I just prefer to change the next time I connect.

So anyways, I'm going to bed (my vision is blurry and my brain feels like slush, now's not the good time to write a whole bio), and tomorrow I'm on the plane to Florida, but I will be able to work on this some other time, this is just the summary. There are much more details.

and also;

Please. don't. comment. right. now.

If you do, no big deal, I'll repost the bio, but please. Don't. I want to start this as young as possible. So. Please. Got it? Okay.


(sorry. I know I'm acting insane. But it's one in the morning, an hour after my usual bedtime. and when tired, my mind is wacko.)