
Krystal's picture
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By JD <3

"Plain stag, explain how can it be
A paltry friend is what you see
A clumsy sod, or hapless flea
No beauty held to high degree
Like those you treat so tenderly
Is there no love lost on me?"


Shenanigans with Lem. Awesome flower spar. Misunderstandings. Frustrations. Consolations. Joined by Cry, shared the love. Checked on a sleeping Titilayo now and then, hoping to catch her awake at some point; finally did. Enjoyed the rub-fest and all the warm company until Lem had to go. Rested with her two companions; a charming group of minis indeed.

To live by the rising sun and the setting moon


Lagomorpha - An interpreted jackalope

Venetian Carnival - Forest Spirit - Crying Idol - Mini

A yearling doe with an impish spirit

Of a modest stature {#28}

And an endless heart

My Treasures

Contact: E-mail/MSN/Skype -
Interaction welcome
CSS template by Unplugged


Butterbrot's picture

(No subject)

Krystal's picture

OMG so that's why he decided

OMG so that's why he decided to turn red on me earlier and was adamant about it! Krystal just loves her Bu so much, he really made her in good spirits today ;.; <3 This is so fitting! Thank you as always <3


Butterbrot's picture

'This is so fitting!' i am

'This is so fitting!'
i am really glad it does!!!
apart from this~ hope you are having a great time what ever you are up to since 6th[?]. I will miss you and Bu will miss Krystal as well ❤

Butterbrot's picture

ohnoes! but pretty excited

ohnoes! but pretty excited whats up next :3

wocio's picture

Hey It was nice to see

Hey Sticking out tongue
It was nice to see Krystal again! Even if it was just for a short while, but unfortunately I have to go quickly :c
Hope we meet again soon Smiling
GlobalBeauty's picture

It was nice to see Krystal

It was nice to see Krystal in-forest! (Even if it was with another deer from my arsenal XD )

Jupiter was really curious about how a bunny could be nearly as big as she was!
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Krystal's picture

I was just looking up your

I was just looking up your little fawn! Smiling Thank you for the company, she is quite adorable and both Krystal and I very much appreciated her friendly demeanor. Now I understand why she seemed so shocked at first, hah!
Butterbrot's picture

so lets get back to basics. i

so lets get back to basics. i actually wanted to post it tomorrow but i am already feeling so bad TEF crashed the other day and i was not able to respond, but SAW WHAT KRYSTAL DID THERE!Exclaim!!!! that i have to get it outta ma hands immediately. so anyway >

Flyleaf's picture

Aaaaaa...what an amazing work

Aaaaaa...what an amazing work ,Bu !!! And Fly was glad to see Krystal yesterday was so long ago !
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Krystal's picture

OMG BU! What an awesome

OMG BU! What an awesome little surprise! HAHA That is exactly how I had her with Bu when I found him last; I didn't even think you had a chance to see before you left though so this is really a sweet thing you did and please don't feel bad! Smiling Thank you so much!!

Fly: Aww thanks for leaving a message here, it was so nice to romp with your deer the other day, the company really cheered Krystal up Smiling <3
Butterbrot's picture

Quote:"I can learn to

"I can learn to forget."

you can first teach me how you manage beeing so awsom ;; !
trying out a digital prog and coming along with sth like this is.... well just awesom!

Freyja's picture

Ughhh i'm sorry lol remember

Ughhh i'm sorry lol remember that pony I promised you? I finished it a while back and forgot to tell you, but it's really messy. SO I'm gonna redo it, but yeah, just telling you I haven't forgotten!

Also I love this new artwork. It's so pretty and detailed
Krystal's picture

Oh dear! Don't worry about

Oh dear! Don't worry about the delay Smiling It's quite all right, and thank you very much!
GlobalBeauty's picture

Oh wow..... so so beautiful.

Oh wow..... so so beautiful. I love the new layout!
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo


awe. <3
Krystal's picture

Much love

Much love <3

Now, if only we could drag Tieff closer..
Snowsauria's picture

Track. :') I should also add

Track. :')
I should also add that I love Krystal's design, I've been secretly admiring it for quite some time now, lol.

Love the peaceful and

Love the peaceful and simple. She seems like a sweet heart and kind soul. I'd definitely love to meet her one day...♥
Krystal's picture

Snow -

Snow - <3 Thank you dear, that means a lot. I'll admit I had my thoughts as to whether she would be deemed as a touch convoluted/tawdry on here.

Dinamo - Aw, thanks for taking the time to comment! Smiling And yeah...I thought if I kept it simple and not stunning I'd save myself a lot of headaches, plus I'm not one for updating like I used to, takes too much time I've least at my pace. Sticking out tongue Krystal would definitely welcome a new face; she's pretty inquisitive <3

Thanks for having an epic

Thanks for having an epic character, stunning art, and amazing coding skills! Haha~
I can understand that; coding gives me headaches much stuff to try to deal with, that's why I got Ravus to do my coding for me; hehe. And I'm glad! I'll definitely keep a look out for her picto whenever I'm online. ♥
BrownLupine's picture

Need to track this :3

Need to track this :3

What nature divides, the spirit unites.

Silverpaw15's picture

"A father is guidance, care

"A father is guidance, care and undivided devotion to the light of his life. He is the nurturer, the guide and protector until the protected become strong enough to survive without him. He is always welcoming and always proud of those he has the priviledge of calling his children, his own."

(Your post seriously melted my heart..♥ )
Nimariel's picture

I wonder, why did Krystal and

I wonder, why did Krystal and her red friend act so aggressive to Myszka? It happened once before, and he just wanted to either sit down somewhere or make friends. I realize she's a prey animal, but he's hardly threatening =P

It made me pretty confused Smiling
This land is made of love and peace!
Krystal's picture

Silverpaw - (That was so

Silverpaw - (That was so sweet, it made me bawww a little ;.; I am glad you saw this update <3)

Nim - When are you referring to, just today? How were we being threatening, and let me apologize if you got that impression ahead of time; but I'm confused. Geo, from our perspective, seems to have befriended your character, and thus marks him from what I've seen in the past. So in turn, to tease Geo, she came over and sniffed Mys and rubbed him, but that's it. She didn't mean the rubbing in a threatening way, no worries. She has little aggression toward Mys. Smiling
Nimariel's picture

What about Geo lowering

What about Geo lowering antlers? Hrm, it's still rather confusing~ I know there are many different ways to interpret actions in the Forest, I guess I've gotten too attached to a single way of intepreting them Smiling
Thank you for explaining!
And very unique character design , + the scene at the top of this biography makes me daydream (I love the desert =P)
This land is made of love and peace!
Krystal's picture

I can't rightly speak for

I can't rightly speak for Geo's player, and also I have rarely been around both of your characters while they are together with each other at the same time; so I can't honestly say I've seen him lower his antlers to Mys or in what context it would be taken under (unless I missed it or had the camera pointed away; usually when he does it with Krystal it's a form of play spar). I do know a lot of his actions can be pretty complicated at times and tough to figure out if you've never been around him.
Either way, your character is welcome around Krystal regardless Smiling

And thank you very much! I was hoping it'd turn out relaxing, though I didn't do it much justice lol

I always loved Krystal's

I always loved Krystal's design and I'm happy I finaly got the chance to meet her. c:
Krystal's picture

That is very sweet, thank

That is very sweet, thank you! I'm happy we were able to keep your deer company. Smiling
GlobalBeauty's picture

O.O Krystallll! *snuggle* I

O.O Krystallll! *snuggle* I LOVE that "Twitterpated" word.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Krystal's picture

Haha, yes! Today I was

Haha, yes!
Today I was seeing many deer in the forest being affectionate with each other, reminded me of the time of year, all the animals around where I live going through their own versions of "flirting" xD, and thus reminded me of the famous saying. Sticking out tongue

(No subject)

Ooh <3
GlobalBeauty's picture

(No subject)

Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Krystal's picture

Did you kill off poplar from

Did you kill off poplar from this picto? It's been a while since I've had Krystal around again, so when I saw the new Moss, we were a bit unsure of how to approach/if we even could.

Nice to have the company, either way. <3
GlobalBeauty's picture

Yeah, I just found her too

Yeah, I just found her too depressing to play anymore and got tired of her. Now it's lovely old Moss. He is friendly and accepting of everyone and doesn't show an angry face to anyone, so feel free to come snuggle anytime. Smiling
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Krystal's picture

Awww well so long as you're

Awww well so long as you're enjoying him! We will definitely take up the offer, then. Smiling

(No subject)

^ oh woah..

^ oh woah..
Teffy's picture

-inshock- this bio is

-inshock- this bio is amazingly beautiful.
Krystal's picture

Uit - Oh WOW, Uit that's

Uit - Oh WOW, Uit that's amazing Sad What an awesome thing to come back to TEF and see, thank you so much, I sincerely missed seeing new art from you in general and wasn't expecting such a lovely gift. I hope it's meant to be a signature because I'd love to use it as a new one! I love how your art always changes the perception of movement in a drawing.

Teffy - Thank you very much! Smiling I didn't think many people viewed this that way, since I'm not very good with coding. Nice to see a new face dropping in to have a peek.
Kaoori's picture

wow, this layout is simply

wow, this layout is simply stunning!
Krystal's picture

LOL Kaoori, you ninja, thank

LOL Kaoori, you ninja, thank you <3 Smiling

Wtf ever Kystal, having the

Wtf ever Kystal, having the most ridiculously adorable bio/character/artwork on this site. Gtfo.
wake's picture

Trackiiing! I believe you


I believe you were hanging out with one of my new deer just yesterday. With Key Antlers, Skull mask and butterfly pelt. Smiling Twas a pleasant meeting.
Possessed's picture

Was a pleasure to encounter

Was a pleasure to encounter she and Lem the other day, however briefly. Nice seeing you, Krystal.
OrinocoFlow's picture

This is just great *huggles

This is just great Laughing out loud *huggles
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
Sighthoundlady's picture

Love the new art by JD up

Love the new art by JD up there, it's gorgeous.

Also thanks for visiting Herla yesterday, it was nice seeing Krystal. ^_^
Sleepything's picture


adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
RikkaChan's picture

So much cute.

So much cute. <3