Name: Oseaan
Nickname: Os, Oh
Age: Created June 30th, 2008. 7 years old.
Voice: Lilting. Her voice is soft and as gentle as an evening breeze. Even when she's feeling fiery like the sunset, it still never carries very far.
Scent: Often she smells of the trees: pines and redwoods, birch and oak. The sap that tangles her fur. Sometimes it is the wind and grass, freshly turned earth and poppies. Or like those who are close to her. She has no distinct scent of her own.
Size: Not too tall
Reference: Without mask
Build By Aquilo
Mask: By Terabetha
Set: “Whistling” Mask (Golden Butterfly), Secretary Bird Pelt, and the Orca Antlers.
However, she will happily prance in the oddest of attires cast upon her. (X) Her fur is predominantly short and a soft shade of white. When it grows out it becomes little wavier along her neck, chest, and tail. In contrast, she has long black socks and black markings that feather out along her sides. Spots of orange mingle in-between with a prominent patch on her tail.
She has a build that is soft and rounded with little indication of the supple strength she bears beneath. A nimble thing with light feet built to move just of out reach rather than face dangers head-on.
Curved black horns that, when sharpened, pose a deadly threat. But she rarely tends to them and for the most part keeps them blunt.
Her eyes are a light shade of blue with three spots of orange beneath each. They are very expressive, as are her ears and tail.
She has a mask of leather that has weathered the years but kept both its shape and quality. A little forest magic. If fits snug on her face without any strings. She doesn't wear it as much as she did in the past, though.
She requested a decoration for her horns from Verve. She finds it too delicate for her usual outings and will only wear it on special occasions.
Gentle – Spirited – Fleeting – Anxious – Quiet – Observant – Aware – Warmth – Distance – Evanescent – Wild – Faraway
• She was crafted by dust, magic, snow, and pale blue skies.
• Her earliest memory is of snow, but her fondest is of a dark forest with low, twirling stars.
• It is unknown where her mask came from. She may have simply picked it up one day, but she'll tell you little tales instead.
• She experienced young love in her earliest years, but with time they grew apart.
• Her fur shows signs of it growing thicker if she were introduced to a colder climate.
• She is an Endless Forest deer to her core. In other words, she is something magical, still unknown, and strange.
• She'd love to see a sunrise one day.
• Sometimes, she'll have three yellow ducklings in her company.
• ♥
Empty tab
Art by Others

Art by Me

Change of Scene
(past appearance change, design not for referencing)
Background image by Forgetmenot and JS tabs thanks to AlisonRobin!
Music: North by North - Faded Paper Figures
Oseaan is a character but my responsibility. If you'd like to contact me for any reason you can find me on skype: winteratsea or you can email me at jflighter(at)
She is always open for interaction either here or at one of my contacts!
Tumblr (sometimes NSFW, but rarely)
I love your blog <3
Thank you <3 Now I'm off to
Now I'm off to go see yours...
I believe you've met my deer
Yes I did, and thank you
Clavier is so sweet, but I guess I'm not getting on at the right time as I haven't seen her a lot.
What a lovely character! I'm
Hopefully I can update that
Thank you so much, not just for the compliment but for the invitation and wonderful times in the forest C:
Oseaan sounds a LOT like
I hope to see you in the Forest!
"As do I."
It was fun spending time
I'm going to add Oseaan to the 'friends' section in his profile soon ;D
endorianki: Does he have a
Iaurdagnire: I'm sorry Oseaan couldn't nuzzle you goodbye, the button just wasn't working for me =(
Awww, thank you C: I'll go check it out, and I hope to see him in the forest again (though we are getting our computer fixed up a bit, seeing if its truly the computer dieing XD) Ha, and it was fun today, so many spells and jumping 8D
I love how you've done her
She really is a cutie, like Rustar said. C:
Thank you <3 I met Rustar
I met Rustar <333 He's was so nice, and yes a sweetheart. I loved how he nodded when we laughed, but I felt so sorry for him :C
But I still hope to see him again!
He realized a little too
Sometimes it's hard not to laugh when others do laugh. And hey, it was so sweet when Oseaan tried to get him come and play with others.<3 8D
Well, she's now won his trust, so they'll meet more often. C:
I like the addition of the
I had to take out the
Oceaan + Dag + Fawns =
I'm going to write a little story about that - it was too adorable! Dag was very contented :3
The shy deer today hiding behind the trees was Enigima, he's very interesting indeed...
I was smiling the entire
And that's who the shy deer is? I've seen him so many times, but I'm glad to find out who he is ^_^
Haha me too; I was a bit
You just put a funny, and
And I wanted to know how slow I go in the endless forest XD Yes, random..., but sometimes you zip ahead of me or wait for me, though I don't know why because everything goes nice and smooth and I'm usually running right beside you or behind you... but I doubt I really look like that to you? Just wanted to know C:
Really? I never see you
Well then, until I get a new
I wouldn't say you were slow
Well that's good to know,
I get 17-18 usually. When a
Is Oceaan going to be at the dance tomorrow? ;3
I only get high framerates
And most certainly, though she is a horrible dancer 8D
Dag: ... *preens* XD
Oseaan: -trips- She's too
She's too fond of you ya know XD
Dag: *falls in pond in a
I laughed so hard when that happened XD the silly boy.
I thought it was sad when he
Thought I'd reply here to
Aww, you're making him so
I know >D It's a lot of fun.
SPFFF. He was creeping her
Hi I think I saw you today
♥ ♥
Oseaan remembers you <3 You
"I'd absolutely love to meet you again!"
♥ ♥
... I've only just realized
Because I thought you'd
T_T XD I hope OSEAAN isn't
XD I hope OSEAAN isn't too bored without Dag in the forest! We tried to put Sir Summer in the forest last night when it was the cool twilight atmosphere, but it wouldn't log him in :C
XD No she's just fine,
And I think that was happening to everyone, that's why there were so many "naked"/nameless deer.
Just popping by to say that
Could I hazard a guess to say that Rustar is a new chum of Oseaan's? I'm asking as I don't want to come back to the forest and have Dag's happiness to see her scare him away if he's there XD
Hope you've been having a nice summer. I've sort of run out of things to do over here... yay for internet!
... *rolls away*
You could go with something
Anyhoo, she's friends with Rustar yes, though from what I've read, Rouda has school so her characters aren't on as much so seeing them together could be rare ^^
My summer's over, though, and school has started up again--unless you're referring to the season then summer is just fine and dandy. Hot and smokey, but dandy XD
You ran out of things to do? That stinks, but "yay for internet!"
Oseaan won't be in the forest on the weekends, as a heads up. I have a "secret" picto (woo!) I run around the forest with--just a heads up I suppose |D
EEEE. Long post.
A secret picto? 8D Are you
Yeah, the USA is soooo boring ;3 nah, I guess today is just a lazy Sunday. Internet and drawing! I'm going to learn how to draw deer epically so I get entertain myself on the plane journey home. There'll certainly be an Oseaan picture or two...
Just a picto to romp around
It is pretty boring, though |D You can find alot of the same things all over and only a few unqiue shops here and there (from my experiences, though, I have no clue about other areas =P)
I'm no good at drawing, just manipulating and adding color/"coloring" which means I'd need a computer so if I was in your position, the plane ride would be pretty boring XD Since I don't have a laptop D: But a picture of little Oseaan? I can't wait!
Dropping by to say your new
Your Oseaan picture is still on its way - my PC is packed up right now to move so I can't... get to it XD
You should put music up
Iaurdagnire >> XD Its creepy
Ravynn >> I've always thought of doing that, and I even had a few songs picked out for her, but I wasn't sure if I should or not... I'm sort of on the fence about it C: But now that you brought it up, I just might add it to the update I have coming up sooner or later when I have time |D
Sounds like Tally*points to
I love the set, the concept, the bio. I've never met her but im tracking this for novelty. <3 Hopefully i will meet her though, then they can follow eachother in circles. lol
I would love to hear music
I'm so curious about what you would put. (:
I'm still searching for