red velvet wound


scared of most others, takes a lot of time to trust people wholy
easy to spook
sometimes pushes others away randomly
craves alone time maybe
prone to being insensitive
Suspicious of other people's intuitions
Effective and Decisive
Unsentimental and Apathetic

[21:23:49] ?: I think so
[21:23:54] ?: viel is out of it 24/7
[21:24:00] ?: like a vegtable
[21:24:03] ?: with emotions

mostly trusts his brother, no one can compare really

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And what do I do
With the gift you present to me
The one no one else would buy?
They would not accept the filthy premise of your most terrible innocence
So let them say
How you were wild
For what you really were was tender
Yes how you screamed
All through the night
Yet silent tears streamed down through morning light
Most beautiful
My lonely sinner