Never disregard the birch grasses...

Anzel's picture
Never disregard the birch grasses. Never disregard the silvery blues of the hues of the raindrops of Gods long gone from out hearts and fallen into the sky, that stained the Earth with grace. The grasses that parade across the forest forever and always in beauty and fever. These things, that I discovered long ago, these grasses remembered and eaten by our ancestors of the true world we never were a part of.

I digress...

You may always see your friends and you may always see the graves. The playground, always there and the statues and the ways we may cross the river. The idol, forever-crying...the statues of the Gods. The pond, the everything you huddle around, the oak, they're always there.

Please take a wander through the loneliness and expanse of the birch forest, where I doth tread. For it is the equivalent to stargazing in the heart of someone such as I...


(i may add screenies later, lol)