the Necked Family Feb12.09

winterleaf's picture
When WinterLeaf woke up he found himself under a rock in the playground, he couldn’t remember much from the other day but it was nice to wake up in the shade rather than the blinding sun, even now looking out from the cool shade of the rock his eyes began to burn.
but then he smelled the scent of lavender. The bird was trying to tell him that Nala was in the forest. Immediately he got out off the rock. Ignoring the searing pain in his eyes he began to search for her.

He sensed her by the hollowed out tree, and she was there all right, and she was necked! WinterLeaf began to laugh uncontrollably. Everything was Gone! There weren’t even any flowers on her antlers. Nala just stood there waiting for him to get over it Okay Okay he began to get to work to get her spells back, surprisingly it didn’t take long at all.
They went over to the pond to spend time together WinterLeaf began to show off his skills by jumping back and forward over the deep side of the creek until…NALA!!![ SPLOOSH

She fell into the pond and everything was gone. WinterLeaf was going to laugh but he noticed tears began to well up in her eyes.
[= Oh don’t cry! Please! Look look! [/color]
Nala laughed. Wintlerleafs heart felt like It was gona explode with affection for his mate.

He ran and ran till he found red flowers. He picked them up careful with his antlers and ran to Nala and gave them to her. Then he found some blue flowers and put them on his own antlers.

They decided to leave the dreaded pond and its selfish powers and go to a place that was quieter and secluded from other deer. Just enjoying each other’s company. Then another deer joined us it was Dynamite!Exclaim Their son!...who was also necked! XD
They spent most of their time as one necked family
With love WinterLeaf <3

sorry for the wierdness of this journal XD Im in a very wierd mood right now...and Im very sleepy too.*YAWN* untill tuesday people...what people! no one reads my boring journalls...oh and pictures will be added later.