.{N o e m i}.

10/4/17 - Updated her silhouette rofl, NO LONGER A BLOB. The art's created by Becca, and will soon be replaced with her actual new design once I fkin finish it (:

9/29/17 - HUGE THANKS TO BECCA FOR CUSTOMIZING AND FILLING OUT THIS LOVELY CSS TEMPLATE BY UNPLUGGED ;; Just really needed to get rid of that ugly years-old layout; tons of info in here still needs to be edited so it's mostly struckthrough at the moment, but should all be updated very soon (sry for potential future bumps).

ALSO QUICK WARNING UNTIL I GET A PROPER DISCLAIMER PAGE UP: this biography is intended for mature audiences only!
There is/will be mature content in here without a doubt, including but not limited to: coarse language/swearing, violence and gore, trauma, abuse, sexuality, mentions of rape, and mental illness. If any of the aforementioned themes are sensitive for you, it would be best not to track; additionally, those under 18 are advised to refrain from tracking.


September 28, 2017

Hung out with Chrodad mostly, as usual. He wanted to introduce her to someone, so she followed his lead to the crossed logs where Farren and Keidasi were sitting. Chrona introduced her to Farren, since apparently he was a cool guy in his books, but before she could fully acknowledge the Elysian beyond her initial sniff, he slipped away with a head dip. Returned it at least, but is considering tracking him down again another time.

Fell silent as her new acquaintance and her father talked, settling with them at the logs.

Some time later, noticed several new faces around: Nyami, Sky-Sight, Greitai, and Fari. Remembered Sky-Sight and Nyami from before, and was quick to greet them; wasn't sure about Fari at first, but after the young raptor took interest in Chrona and Greitai approached, took the time to meet the older raptor. Returned to the logs with her father, but noticed Fari repeatedly darting in to headbutt Chro's ass and darting away again. THOUGHT IT WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS while Chrona was just...

SO, played with Fari instead and actually sorta had fun... SORT OF, ok. Finally settled back down at the logs again with the raptor pair and her father, and eventually fell tf to sleep.

©CSS "Evergreen" © Unplugged.
Tabs © AlisonRobin.





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Track C:

Shenere's picture


Kaoori's picture

i don't think i tracked this

i don't think i tracked this yet

(No subject)