Name: ?
Nicknames: -
Age: Young
Gender: Stag
Species: ?
Voice: ?
Orientation: Everyone
Mate(s): -
Children: -
Mental: Blissful
Physical: Well
Recently: A calm day spent with a lovely mini
Currently: Offline
- Believes love should be shared freely among everyone, fails to see the appeal in monogamy.
- Loves to court both the ladies and the gentlemen, but expects to be the dominant partner.
- Interests are romantic rather than sexual.
- Idealizes the thought of love, but has little experience of the real thing.
- Soft spot for fawns. Will go out of his way to tend to them.
- Loves to lavish others with affection and care.
- Drawn to timid and gentle creatures.
- Favorite thing is to sit and watch fawns and does at play.
- Not much of a dancer himself, but loves to watch others dance.
- Moves slowly most of the time; doesn't mean he can't run fast if he'd want to.
- Likes to stop and watch the scenery.
- Likes to watch over sleepers.
- Walks quietly close to sleepers to keep from waking them.
- Concerned with his personal hygiene, loves to wash off by the Crying Idol. This is routine, even if it is snowing.
- May be upset if someone spells him, thinking it could mean they think he is ugly or that they want to make him ugly.
- Drawn to extravagant / flamboyant sets.
- Concerned with the trottoire of other deer, helping with sets is taken very seriously. May try to change a set he doesn't like.
- Loves everyone, but Virgil is special.
- Infatuated with peacock feathers.
- Unlikely to see the bad in anyone.
- Highly unlikely to ever become aggressive.
- Will try to break up a fight; not participate.
- May participate in a "lover's duel". In such a case expects the fight to be respectful and noble. Unlikely to truly attempt to injure his opponent even so.
- Very large, but quite graceful.
- Will never flirt with someone he knew in their fawnhood.
Did I ever mention Vir called
Ahahaha your smiley has a
No, I didn't know that! It's pretty <3
Ahhhhhhhh, my little fawn Fae
Oh! What is her picto?
(hototo is
Ahh yes I thought that must
Kill me for not tracking
Might that be you sitting
Thanks for the track ♥
Yea, that's me x3 But no,
Who then? A secret one? :]
Something new. Still under
Oh, I see. Either way, we