Mr. Stag bio WIP (Tavros)

gurgelin's picture

Gentle . Tranquil . Affectionate . Peaceful . Loving . Mellow . Respectful . Benevolent . Flirtatious . Sensitive . Romantic

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Name: ?
Nicknames: -
Identification: Here
Age: Young
Gender: Stag
Species: ?
Voice: ?

Orientation: Everyone
Mate(s): -
Children: -

Mental: Blissful
Physical: Well
Recently: A calm day spent with a lovely mini
Currently: Offline

- Believes love should be shared freely among everyone, fails to see the appeal in monogamy.
- Loves to court both the ladies and the gentlemen, but expects to be the dominant partner.
- Interests are romantic rather than sexual.
- Idealizes the thought of love, but has little experience of the real thing.
- Soft spot for fawns. Will go out of his way to tend to them.
- Loves to lavish others with affection and care.
- Drawn to timid and gentle creatures.
- Favorite thing is to sit and watch fawns and does at play.
- Not much of a dancer himself, but loves to watch others dance.
- Moves slowly most of the time; doesn't mean he can't run fast if he'd want to.
- Likes to stop and watch the scenery.
- Likes to watch over sleepers.
- Walks quietly close to sleepers to keep from waking them.
- Concerned with his personal hygiene, loves to wash off by the Crying Idol. This is routine, even if it is snowing.
- May be upset if someone spells him, thinking it could mean they think he is ugly or that they want to make him ugly.
- Drawn to extravagant / flamboyant sets.
- Concerned with the trottoire of other deer, helping with sets is taken very seriously. May try to change a set he doesn't like.
- Loves everyone, but Virgil is special.
- Infatuated with peacock feathers.
- Unlikely to see the bad in anyone.
- Highly unlikely to ever become aggressive.
- Will try to break up a fight; not participate.
- May participate in a "lover's duel". In such a case expects the fight to be respectful and noble. Unlikely to truly attempt to injure his opponent even so.
- Very large, but quite graceful.
- Will never flirt with someone he knew in their fawnhood.





Hart's picture

Did I ever mention Vir called

Did I ever mention Vir called him "Star Stag" ever since the beginning? :{D
gurgelin's picture

Ahahaha your smiley has a

Ahahaha your smiley has a mustash x'DD
No, I didn't know that! It's pretty <3
ickydog's picture

Ahhhhhhhh, my little fawn Fae

Ahhhhhhhh, my little fawn Fae spent some quality time snuggling with him today Smiling
Kobal Snuff
gurgelin's picture

Oh! What is her picto?

Oh! What is her picto? <3
Toya's picture

(hototo is

(hototo is sleeeeepwalking...) But I see you :')
gurgelin's picture

Ahh yes I thought that must

Ahh yes I thought that must be it! I read your latest entry on Hototo's page.. sorry I didn't comment, it's very exciting to read though! And a little scary.. what will happen to Hototo I wonder! Laughing out loud
Pistol's picture

Kill me for not tracking

Kill me for not tracking this.
gurgelin's picture

Might that be you sitting

Might that be you sitting next to Tavros? Shocked Is it Panic? I see the picto as a nameless for some reason :S

Thanks for the track ♥
Pistol's picture

Yea, that's me x3 But no,

Yea, that's me x3 But no, it's not Panic.
gurgelin's picture

Who then? A secret one? :]

Who then? A secret one? :] Can you direct me to the picto? So I can remember it! <3
Pistol's picture

Something new. Still under

Something new. Still under huge development. He might not make it to becoming a character. And sure, here you go.
gurgelin's picture

Oh, I see. Either way, we

Oh, I see. Either way, we enjoyed his company! :]