
Munkel's picture

Momo; ; peach

"The Queen Mother of Heaven
Has grown a Peach Garden
Charming, full of buds
Rosy, blossoming, intoxicating

Each peach
Looks like a little beauty."

Name: Momo [meaning: peach]
Origin: Chinese|Japanese
Gender: genderless
Appearance: minifawn, size #4, ref.
Birth: grown on a peach-tree,
dropped on the 30th of April 2011

Voice: #FA8B5C, Dango Daikazoku

Traits: kind|lazy|peaceful|positive|
slow pace|intelligent|calm|cuddly|
chubby|wise|can't run/jump easily

Kody, Migisi

Munkel's picture

The fawn stayed motionless.

The fawn stayed motionless.
"Maybe, maybe not? Who knows what plans nature got for me, I wouldn't know.." it smiled again.
"And who knows what will happen after you've eaten me up." it giggled.
"Maybe you need to wait until the fruit is ripe in case it isn't already rotten." It murmured genuinely.
Now the fawn shifted slightly. "So many other things could happen.." it whispered.
Kumiko's picture

Awww...So it's been Momo the

Awww...So it's been Momo the whole time. :3

-still needs to update game-
Munkel's picture

Yes~ ♥

Yes~ ♥

Retracking the cutie. ;;

Retracking the cutie. ;; <3
Munkel's picture

Thank you c:

Thank you c:
Vala 's picture


" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥