a message from WinterLeaf and Jadine

winterleaf's picture
i don't think that Ill be making journals for my characters any more. but daily screenshots instead.

I don't think that Im that popular enough for people to bother reading them...there to much work to be ignored...

the only reasone I was making them in the first place is for character development. but I don't care any more so...

to sum it up.
Jadine: my first deer. a yeer old. Loves Teiboku. Shy around others. Closterphobic

WinterLeaf: Second deer. Loves Nala. Father of DynomiteLikes Fawns. Alergic to the color bowl

Tozowa: is a fawn. Mute because his father riped his throwt out. is scared of loud noises. terrified of EVERYBODY except one.

There it is. sorry for the rant.